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Show UMPIRE HAS DIFFICULT JOB Arbiter Trite to Plaaoo Bleacherlte In Different Placea and la Run Off Field. Vlr Wlilln. who wua bought by the Chicago National league club at the end of laat aeaann, and who refuaed to play with the rhuiiipliina, preferring prefer-ring to devotn hla time to running a hotel In IMuware. recently told F 4 W$ Yf r M Y ': Vic Willie. the luteal umpire alnry. It la on .1. Iru Diivla, better known ua "Hlaia," who once upon a tlmo pluyed flrat baae for the New York (llama Unvla haa been an umpire for ten yearn In Varlnua minor leaguea. Ho hua been Doted for hla eccentrlrltlea. "Ilavla waa umpiring a gume for ua In the latter part of the awaaon," auy Willie. "He didn't atand any too well with tho funa, and dlan't aeem to rare. He began umpiring behind the ' bat and then worked behind the pitcher. The crowd kicked on a ace. ond baae derlalun, and he took hla atand behind aerond baae. Finally there waa a dlaputo about a foul ball hit down the right field line, and Davla took hla poaltlnn In right field. Then tho blearhorltra went at him. "'Why don't you atand where you can Judge bulla and atrlkea, you atlffr I yelled one. '"Well,1 anld Davla. -you guva ran I umpire a game from the right field I acuta and never iniike a mlatnke. Why cnn i umpire , well In right Held:' i Tim bleai herltea rhnaed him aller the game, anil Davla beat It through Mte li:n k galea. He never did come ' hai k to the grounda." |