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Show PLOT AGAINST MADERO. Americana Charged With Contp racy to Curt Counter Revolution. Kl I'nso. What Is lookul upon by Francisco 1. Muileru us u ue'.l laid plot to prevent bla reaenltiK Mexico City, to overthrow his IcuucrMhlp uad to start n counter revolution nralnst lilm was rnveitleil Sitiirday night In Hit arrest of Daniel llevilllel-H of Mexico Clly. W. I', luinn. an Anierlcaii. nc cording to a 1. 1, gruui ru eived by Ma ilero's cltlef uiilltar.v iiiIvimt, waa nr rested In Monterey, Met., by n detec tlvo, who bml ltall.il Ii I m from l:i I'iiko The nlliged plot Involvca cr talus sums of money which were lo have been paid out to Maderos military mili-tary leadent. Muilern, nceoidlng to tho delnlla given out by him. wiih fully ful-ly advised of the scheme and allowed It tu bn encouraged. A l n days' trailing by detocttvea then begin. |