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Show T 'll LOalVllle wT,L I -- ' - - - and Manager. ftell phone. No Fima Six Moutnt 40 76 11.60 Mon Ui a One Year ahould Coalville BusinetM communication fe -- addreeed The Co Coalville.- Tlmtaa,. - lltaJi,.. Remittance ahould he made able to The Coalville Tiinea." pay- ADVERTISING RATES FBK COLUMN vine INCll I time 16 IS1 monMi For locale In local colamn, llj eta. One per line for let, insertion, 6 cent eiubaequent. Header, with heada, 8 cent dneeriion; 5 cent subsequent. let 'J !i WHT DO KEN ADVERTISE? The maa who conduct bi buaineiw oa the theory that it doeant pay and tie cant afford to advertie, aeta up liia judgment la opposition to that of 'all the bast business men in the world. an experienced advertising authorWith a few years' experience ity: in conducting a jftkiall business on a few thousands ofTapitals, he assumes to know more than thousands whose aggregate more honrly transactions than his do in a year, and who have their nullien by pursuing a course that lie nays doesnt pay. If advertising doesnt pay, why is if hat the most aucceseful merchants of revery town, large or small, are the If advertising dteaveet advertisers f docent psy, who does the most business! If it does not pny, bnsiness Arms ' in the world spend millions in that wty. Is it because they want to donate those . n ill loss to the newspaper and magazine publishers, or because they dont know me much about business as the six merchant who says money spent in advertising is thrown awny or doa- - ated to the man to whom it is paid! . Such talk in simply ridiculous, and it . requires more (than the average patience to disease the proposition of whether wdwettiaiag pays or not with that kind of a man. Ilia eomplaeeut tia assuming that ka knows more tkan ths whols world is laughable, and reminds gi of S man who proved that the world doesnt revolve by planing a gmmpkia an a stump and watching it r mil night. "Hay X -- eelf-eonee- Nowadays when people want anything they look la the newspapers to End where te get it. If they want the service of a painter, a carpenter, a plasterer, a plumber or any -- other me-- hanie or tradeamaa, they expect to End a card In the paper. They look for it. If they find one the advertie r get a job. Judicloui advertising paye. We believe every well regulated fiewn ahould and will support a public library, and as a starter in this diree-- i tion we suggest to our people the feast We ability of sueh an undertaking. mow have a law by which tbs matter nnty ba brought before the people and decided by them through the ballot as to whether a corporation will or will mot establish and- - support such a thing. Well-reaminds sustain wholesome d lawn Tree Intelligence elevates the morale of a community. Good books access rid street corners of 'aey ofloafers. With plenty of interest-- many book band at long winter evenings ing xnay "be profitably spent, and a good public library combined with good schools, well austained, will do much towards eradicating many prominent evils and correcting many crooked and preverse ways. , Why is -- - Any person who shall Term of 8ubcriptiou (In advance) ' - the 'department yf agiiculture give or ranged to have a good road furnish any cigar, cigarette, r tobacco attendance upon the Pocatello jftnven Senator Iiorah himself jail be in any form, or any opium or other lion. nn to in narcotics any person present if congress adjourns u time. any farm, ilCr twenty one years of age shall IdJ" Professor W. L. Carlyle, dean red diguilty of a misdemeanor. The provisions rector of the college of agrieulpre and of this section shsll not spply to the experiment station at the Univity of use, sale, giving or furnishing of any Idaho, has accepted an invitatis to be narcotic upon the prescription of a phy present and deliver an address! good roads. The convention will be attend sician. Any person under the age of twen ed by at least a thousand delegtns from ty one years who shsll buy, accept or the an intermountain state tf Idaho, liav eTn"bIs possession "any Cigar. cig TTabrMonlanaT WyomingrNeida and arette, or tobarco in any form, or any Colorado. A feature will be opium, or any other nareotie in any liejnie exhibit of road makin form, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, ery, over a score of the leadi and upon eonvietion thereof, shall be faeturers having applied for fined in any sum not exceeding fHM). the exhibit building. Those familiar with the subject are tiecoming greatly concern! d over the 1 was permanently eured at Kidney rapid increase of the cigarette habit and Bladder trouble by using three SOe It among the boys of our community. Chambers boxes and Blad Kidney from children a see to Common is thing trouble was of twelve Fills. der My sneak eight or nine years old and up Nam furnished os stores, years standing tug around behind billboards, Bold exclusively and guar application the on etc., smoking snips picked up John Boydea ft Bon, streets or from the gutters, and hi antccd by some instances they do it openly and brazenly on the public streets. Often they are seen with cigars, or pipes, and in most of these cases some adult per son has violated the law by furnishing It has come to a point where the the tobacco to children. A few reasons why we are going workers are settled down to work. The time for talk and conjecture is past to Vigorously enforce the law are: 1. It is a filthy habit for children to Either you candidates are in to win or you are lagging. If the latter is the form. case, the outcome of sueh a candidacy 2. It injures the health. would be plain to you. Notling sue 3. It weakens the will power. cecds like success and to be nceessful 4. It saps both physical and1 menyou must at the same time be persistent tal power. 5. It makes boys dishonest and un and confident in what you uidertake. The feeling that you can wii if yoe reliable. 6. It robs them of opportunities for wish, will do much to belp yoi in your A person with sufficient eonfi securing positions of emoluments and work. trust as many of the large business dence can accomplish whatevtr be or institutions will not employ a boy who she wishes. As an example, the story is told of the man who decided that uses tobacco. 7. It ia one of the chief causes of he would wager a large sum against a truancy. Out of the many boys who smaller one, by another, that be eould office of a big town graduate,, from the eighth grade this pass through the spring, scarcely a corporals guard will building with a certain petitio nnd in be tobacco users. They practically all dure six men out of every te to aign if just by assurance he would exhibit fail in school. The wager was made 8. It is a violation of both state and as he entered. the bearer went through and laws. petition city Through the lrind .cooperation of the office. When he emerged, he showed the city and county officials the juven the waiting crowd the name of twenty who lad signed ile court contemplates an earnest and men out o'f twenty-sevevigorous campaign ngninst the viola a petition to have themaelvee hung fur tors of thin law, both minors nnd not looking more closely to the docut ndnlts. All boys under eighteen years ment presented. While this illustrates ,the tendency of nge found breaking the law will be handled by the juvenile eourt; all be- of people to be slipshod ia noting petitween eighteen and twenty-onwill be tions and what they call for, the tale turned over to the eounty attorney to likewise ia a good example of the confidence on the part of the pirson who be prosecuted in the eriminal eourts. Let the boye of our community take approach you will call forth. This notice of the above, and avoid trouble same confidence, serves to mike financial euecesseaout of men whs'art life by quitting the eigaswtto and with nothing more than j habit nnd n apple eore. Have eon lenee in You have the besi proposi HOrTSVlLLE NEWS. yourself. tion going that ban gone youi way for a long time. (Too 1st for last issue.) wore 1IOYT8VILLE, Msy 24. Lorenxo Ellen Morby MH Sargent returned on the 11th inst. Lou Retorts , 9460 from a mission in England. Hi wife Della Salisbury.... MM met him in Balt Lake City. A home Dorsey Rotorts . IUW Mrs Charles Averilt coming reception wee tendered him on the 13th at the ward meeting Vera Huffman., U6M Lela Stockman house, where a ahort program was Irena Redden 10000 rendered. After the exercise all went Hilda Vernley iot ....77. r. .v n to the dance hall and all enjoyed MO Mr. G. B. Toon..., in dancing. Myrtle Stephens Miss Ada Gunn, who haa been teach-in- Mrs. Frank Huffman....... ,... school here this winter, returned Annie Carrutb to her borne in Beever county on the Leone Calderwood, Llxale Clark morning of the 1 1 1 h. On theeve he Opal Farnsworth. .:... ...... fore her departure about fifty of her Thelma Hartley friends met at the home of Busan llob-so- Mrs. Chess Malln and spent a pleasant evening in Rhoda Couch singing, music and various games, aft- Mrs J N Jensen er wbieh refreshments were served. Macll Robinson Miss Gunn will be missed by her many May Branch. - Mrs Joseph Allen f riends. ..... ... Mrs. Sarah Byrnes and two daughters, MrsL M. Clark Mrs George Cluff Mrs. Joseph Street snd Mrs, James Pearl Robinson Walker, went to Iark City on the 17th Helva Robinson to visit Mrs. Byrnes daughter, Mrs. Martha Underhill John Mills, who is reported to be very Mrs George Judd tobsceor P. O. Hox A 2U. it that people cannot discuss ths liquor question and the method of controlling the liquor traffic without becoming hot at each other! Borne of those who are opposed to lieeosing i ths saloons are so prejudiced on the disre 'question that they kxik-wi- th speet upea these who hold the opposite views, and vice versa. This is all wrong and people who permit their 'prejudieee te carry them to such extremes, show anything but n true Christian spirit. A republican and a f democrat will discuss politics for hours and part the best of friends. But nine times out of ten if a prohibitionist and a high license ,man Jet into aa argu- - meat om the liquor question, they will be mad enough to fight in twenty min--atea. - - v V LOST da one day I' lost a severe sold by taking Chambers Cold Tablets, guaranteed to cure a cold ia eaa day, and any esse af La Grippe ia three days, r your money refunded. John Bey den A 8oa. X : J11, n .... them-selve- s ill Nola Klppou Mrs. NelllVKelfT Mrs. muscular or that Summit W bat does it mean? of Chamber by John MOO IfrsInme Astin of Coalville is mother, Mrs. Bnsan Hobson. Mf Joseph Wilkinson, is her visitv Judge McKaeter Asks That Everybody -ing his wife nnd baby. Mr. Hugh 8ymet, wife and children Help to Suppress Tobacco Traffic. returned from Balt take on the 21st "'Judge Alexander MeMaster of the They will make their home in Coaljwvenile eoert haa issued a geaeral ap- ville. Gay ns I Rogers Hortsass Rhsad noo sx 100 sino 100 too DH 00 M00 00 000 sooo suno 000 MOO MOO 00 MOO MOO MOO !.. .. ... ... The woman of today who has good od MOO ... 001 moo ... ... woe Dr, 0. W, French Utah Henefer, ght eyes anti a lovely complexion, the result of correct living and good digestion, wins the admiration of the world. If your digestion is faulty Chamber Iains Stomach and Liver Tablets will correct it. For sale by John Bovden ft Physician and Surgeon Of Course He Get Results Special work done on Eye, Ear, Nose aud Throat Law. Attorneys-a- t Glasses Fitted Bon. Office in P. H. NEELEY NOTICE TO WATER USERS. State- Engineers office. Hall Lake city. Utah, April in, 1011. Notice Is hereby given that William At-- , wood, wbose poet office ada.ees U Murray Utah, ban mail application In Hcconltince with the reuuliemeuta of the compiled taw of Itah 11107. a amended by the Session laws of Ctali, lvnv, to appropriate i of a cubic foot per second of ATTORNEY-AT-LA- t 8 p. m. All whor-ci(should observe these hours as neacas possible. W Dr. W. R. Emmett water from Atwood Spring. Huniinll County, Utah Said aprlng Is kttunt1 at a 'Phone 4 1 Red. point which lies 1.M0 feet south and Ui feet east of the north went corner of Section It. Township 1 South. Kanget east. Salt leke base and meridian The water will to diverted at the place where It Issues from and aid soring conveyed by means of a pipe line Jor a distance of 960 feet and there used during the period from January 1 to December SI, Inclusive. of each year, for stock watering purposes. This application Is feslgnaled lu the State Engineer's office as No. mm All protests against the granting of said application, stating the reasons therefor, must be made In duplicate and filed In this office within thirty taui days after the completion of the publication of this notice CALEB TANNER. State Engineer Date of first publication May 6, Itll date Meets every Wednesday of completion of publication Junes, 111. in Jones Hall. Visiting Physician and Surgeon Secret Society. Office Summit Block. Coalville Lodge No. 28, O. I. Summit Block, Coalville Office Hours, from 2 to 4, 7 Coalville, Utah one-nint- h O.F. Telephone, Evening Brothers Office, Residence, COALVILLE, UTAH. In the District Court of the Third Judicial District, In and for Summit County, state N. J. PETERHON.N O H. GUNN. of Utah. J. H- COUCH, Secy. Leoxa PouUon, plaintiff, vs. Ludvig Poul-oWM. WELSH. Treasurer. V. Your return card printed oa for 75 cents at - defendant. SUMMONS. The State of Utah to the aalddefendant: You are hereby summoned to appear within twenty days after the service of tils summons upon you. If served within the county in which this notion Is brought, otherwise, within thirty days after service, and defend the above entitled action; and In case of your failure so to do. Judgment will to rendered against you according to the demand of the complaint. Tbit action Is brought to recover a Judgment dissolving the bonds of matrimony now existing between (you and the plaintiff. P. You Cant 100 envelopes THE TIMES Be A Good Summit office. farmer Without The Times. Coal... Evans A Eva, Attorneys for Plaintiff. O. Address, 101 Boston Building, Halt Lake City. Utah. Weber Coal spells economy. In the Third Judicial District Oourt, In and for the state of Utah, Oounty of Summit. Myrtle Meacham. plaintiff, vs. Ham H. Meaoham, defendant. SUMMONS. The State of Utah to the said defendant: Y ou are hereby summoned to appear within twentf days after theservieeof this summons upon you, if served wttnln the eounty In which this action Is brought, otbsrwlae, within thirty days after service, and defend the above entitled action; other wise, 'and In case of your failure so to do. Judgment will be rendered against you according to the demand of the complaint, which bat been filed wtt h the Clerk of said Oourt. . This action le brought to recover a Judg meat dissolving the bonds of matrimony heretofore existing between you and the plaintiff. H. S. Townsend, , It will do a. toqs work, Try a ton. Coal that pro- duces the greatest amount of heat; coal that bums to the last ounce; coal that is all coal, and the of its heat era i&h cl which is evidence tgykzii s the kind of coal we sell Plaintiff's Attorney. 11 VEBER P. O- Address, Park City. Utah. - Ds you take your home paper? CO Mines ot COALVILLE, UTAH. U. S. BEDELL Barber Shop. For the man who cares YOU CAN GET MARRIED ; When Youve VGOT MONEY ,N THE ' mrBANK jf Edward H. Rhead Abstracter of Titles for Summit County. Under $19,000.00 Bond Real Estate, Insurance, Farm Loans Office at Residence, Coalville, 4 Utah. Phone No. 6 Livestock Directory. Cards under this heading at re tollable rates per year. A card ie protection to your interereste and ths recovery of one critter will pny for the apace for st least three year. Every rancher and cattleman in Summit county aheuld be represented here. Terms of advertising on application, to promptly given thia paper. 2 (i YOUNG MAN dont you want to marry the girl of your choice? Put in the bank some of your money, each week before you wed. Then youll have a right to ask your sweetheart to many you. And EDHOLM & AKIN BANGS: HILLIARD FLAT AND CPPSS you can have sonething to start in on, too. We will pay you 4 per cent interest on the money you LA OHAPKLLB CRBKK. put in our with of branded either bank Cattle the and compound the interest pvery six months. following brands; on right aide on left aids The First National Bank - The uaiform success that hu attend-ethe ns of Chamberlain on left Colie Cholon both UoTM era and Diarrhoea Remedy hu made It aldea. COALVILLE, UTAH. . shoulder a 'favorite everywhere. It eaa AND recovCAPITAL alway to reward Suitable SURPLUS $30,00000. leading be depended upon. For ule bT John ALFRED BLONQUBT vL. ery of eatraya. Addreaa Edholm ft JAMES PINGREE. IWft.1, ft Son. Boydea B. C BLACKMAN, Vi -- PreeM.nt FRANK Akin, Kvanetou, Wyoming. d nj ' I 56 22 blL Coixhally Invited. 000 MOO Physician and Surgeon Temper,-g6bdsense,bri- sane are of Ban Francisco Dr, M. H. Dearden health-go- Notary' Public Resident Agent Fireman's Fund Insurance Company county. Abstracter. MOO - The Top , oj Course J-'- 11 C. R. JONES, Hoy- East Side Main Sl, Coalville. e Notary Public. County ia need- -- .... Hugh McQueen and daughter are visiting relatives here, it is repoit Mrs. Albert Mills Pauline French ed that they will make their home here Mrs Claude Williams ..... in the near future. Mrs George Keyes Miss Blanche Johnston of Butt take Haxel liortln has been viaiwng her grandmother Mr. Vera Pendleton Mrs K B. Hixson Martha Wilkinson, the past ten dayL tae is kept quite busy these Edna Rigby Mrs Frank Marc kant, Jr ilnts making use of his auto. Your correspondent received a pleas- Mrs Ed Staley Mrs John Jackson ant jfall yesterday from the Misses E mil is Taylor Murphy, Vivian St. doer and Mrs. John Boysr.... Grace Webb of Woodland- - The young Bells Weaver . .. ladies were on their way to Coalville Casals Faddles to attend the closing exercises of the Ada Marshall Summit Stake Arademv.' , Clara Peterson ,bbon A2m Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rlgell visited in Cassle Ball on 19th. the Oakley taoette Taggart The primary officers gave the ehil TllUe Boyer dren a party on the 19th. They brwught Eunlee KoMuson . .. picnie and were treated to candy and Mrs George Wheaton... nuts; games were played and ail had Mrs. R. F Northcott Mrs W S Johnston. a good time. ( Uverett Gann and Leslie Brow have Mrs U 8. Bedell Mrs Claude Hmtth .. returned frem shearing sheep. Mrs Nsphl Bailey A few ed the town people gave the Mrs. Ray Denting meeting bouse a spring cleaning. X Mrs Herbert Crittenden The base ball tem are doing prae Clara Winters tiee work evening when the wind Theo McMIcbael doesnt blow. Some good bnU games Haxsl Stone braker Ada Bond will be seen here this summer. C. IL West is busy these day filling Cbettlna Jones Thorngs Smith . order Er monuments. lie has sev- Mrs. Mrs. James Maxwell eral Irejpt on the road making deliver-ies- . Mrs Clyde Keyes .... useless to take aoy Lives of poor men oft remind us honest toil dont stand a chance; the Then hold her at the t- -p by having more we work we leave behind us big ger patches on our pants. On our pants your eyes and glasses taken once new and glossy now are patches of careof by a Summit coundifferent hue; all because subscribers linger tad won t pay up whatr is due. ty man in Summit Then let all be up and doing; send in your mite be it eer so small, or when the blasts of November shall strike us we shall have no pants at all. e -- JUVENILE COURT ISSUES APPEAL CONTEST THE than den A Son. la, Kditor ia worse medicines internally for Chroaic rheumatism. All ed is a free application laias Liniment. For sale Inter-Mountai- n 17763) and to the public, Pubtiehel every Friday. W. J. PETF.ItSON. It POCATELLO, IDA., May W Seere-tary pcul to all tobacco dealer and own Wallin of tbi William aa follow: Good Bonds Assoeisi n, the Vou are hereby respectfully iavit cI to join with the officers of the juven second annual convention of wlpdx will in be held is this city June 22 lie court' and other peace-offic- ers the enforcement of the. following receipt of advices from Unite passed by the legislature and now is Sinator Borah of Washington, force throughout the state relative to mg that the bureau of public rT'' 1 1 flC - |