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Show , ADVERTISING RATKS ' 1 I' Hit t'lll.t MN INI II. I ' "-.In tlni lf' 1 "Onei MinllHl I'I't I Ktir Ineala In Imal cnlHinn, W '" j wr linn fur Im I nai-rl I & rent 1 autraoqlletit. J lieu. lor. wl'h hi'a.la, H cent ll 1 1 auasst tdtu ; ennte nithai'iiuent. I The uniform aueceaa that hm attended attend-ed the use of Chamberlain 'i ('olio, Cholera Chol-era aud Hiarrhor Remedy hai niada U a favorite evert where, it c, alwaya bo deponded upou. Tor !, u. Joha Hoyden 4 Hua. ' The woman nf today who has good health, good temper, gnod sense, bright eyes and a lovely eompleiinn, the re .iilt of correct living und g I diges tion, wins the ailitiiriitioii of the world. If your digestion is faulty I'lmmber lain a Htmuuch ami Liter Tableta will correct it. I'or sale by John Hnvden NOTICE TO WATER USERS, Hist. Knalneer'a iittic, Halt lkn nty. I'tali. April in. tail, Nntlee I. heret.r riven th.it William At- w.s.t. wlinse 1.-I nil ,i , s Murray I tali.lia.los.li, iippilciil In HCenrilnoee Mil Hie leonl.e i.l. f the eon pile. I Levi, of I'tali lia. n. sjmenileil by the m... .Inn loMsot I'lnli. Ilssj. to apionlirliili- one-iili.lli one-iili.lli .11. of a cubic f..l ,,er sie.o .1 lit aali-r tiitiu Alvtisal nprliia. m ill I oiioly. I Ish Knl'l .priiis I. .Iluni'.l at a point Whli'li lies I 11 1 feel .o. , so. I Ji fe.-l ait of llieonilliise.t eoruer of Heelloll It Toao.hlpt Ho.illi, Ha . eel e.i.l. Hull l k ba.e mill uierlillao The water will lei .11-terleilat .11-terleilat tile plnee where II I. .lie. fiooi salil . .rlii ami enuvete.l l,v uirniimf n pl.,. Hue ior a illstanee of .trsi feet ami there used illlrlna the peril. I from .laillinry I In Lie. cemlier al.liiclo.lve. of ,-ai'li year, for stock waterlog t'lirpnses Till, application Is ' ISnSled III the rllaln Kliglneer's olllce as No. All prolesls aaalnst Ihe (ranllna nt salil application, stnlina ttie reason, therefor, uiti.t ls otaili' In duplicate nml nlril Iu this nltlce vs 11 lil n thirly nai' Hay. after ll.e com. alellon of lb pitbllentlnti of tin. niillce I'Al.fcll 1 AIM- II. Klsle Kliellieec liateof llr.l piitiileatmn May Mill date of eoiiiiil.llnii of iiulillcalluu June I. Ill. I .von taka your linina papnrr U. S. BEDELL Barber Shop. For the man who cares East Side Main St., Coalville. Abstracter. Edward H. Rhead A be tract it of Titloa fur Summit County. I'mlnr lla.imi.on liond Real Estate, Iniurance, Farm Loam Office at Residence, t'onlvlllu, Utah. 'Kunn No. M Liveslock Directory. Carila ttniler thia heaillng at ran-amiable ran-amiable rate pur year. A innl la priilii'tl'in tn your liiinrenmi anil tba rnoovory uf one critter will pay fur the apace for al limit tlirno ynara. Kvary rancher ami eaitlenian In Summit county liouM lie ri prnaeiit- il Imro. Teruia nf ailveriinlng promptly given on application to thia paper. , EDHOLM & AKIN BANOH: HlLLtAKII PI.AT AMI b'1-l'Ha LA CIIAI'KLbK I 11HKK. Cattle liratnleit with eltlier of tha fullowliig branUa; jonloft ahloJon riglit aide ZT H-noull Hultabla reward leading to reoov-ary reoov-ary of antra). Atldroaa Kuholm a Ai'M, Kvanitoo, Wyoming. iniaariia.iii nm - i mi a uaav a,si Summit County j IV bat Joes it mean? The Top, oj Course Tlii'it Iniltl her ut tin! l-p hy having your eji'S ami glnsaea taken care. if (y a Summit conn-ly conn-ly man In Summit county. Dr. M. H. Dcarden Henefer, Ulali 'Of Course Ha UeU Itnaulla" Attorneys-at Law. P. H. NEELEY ATTORNEY-ATLAW Galville, Ulah 'Phone 41 Red. Secret Society. Coalville Lodge No. 28, I. O. O. F. Meets every Wednesday Evening in Jones' Flail. Visiting Brothers Cordially Invited, N. J. PFTKHlsON.N.fl II. (il'NN. V.tl J. II. Oiil lHI. Hecy. WM.WKI.HII.Trrn.urer. You Can't Ha A Omul Summit fanner Wltliiilli Tho TlMK.s. " '! iiia-auiaiiiiliiii II mill Ill an i OtMr) I'Mlllll'. C. R. JONES, Notary Public Resident Agent Fireman's Fund Insurance Company of Man Krani'iaco Physician and Surgeon, Dr. O. W. French Physician and Surgeon Special vvoilc done on Eye, Ear, INose aud 1 hroal. Glasses Fitted tlllice In Summit illm k, Coitlvlllfi Ollice Hour, frutii J In t. 7 In H p. m. All who i-iiii sliniil'l nbserva these hiitirans near na pn.n'.li'. Dr. W. R. Emmeit Physician and Surgeon Office Summit Block. Telephone, Office, - 56 " Residence, 22 blk. COALVILLE, UTAH. Your return card printed oa loo envelopes for 75 cents at THKTIMKS office. I Coal... I Weber Coal spells economy. Try a ton. j W It will do ton work. Coal that pro- yjy duces the greatest amount of heat; coal VJ that bums to tic last txince; coal that is if yU ' all coal, and tli ssit il which is evidence 5 Nlif of its heat em igr- th' the kind of coal 5i K we sell. $ 1 I I m k Co I I Mates ot COALVILLE, UTAH. YOU CAN dET ti$&h MARRIED W WHENYou've ' M m W 3GOT MONEY m mtf in the , jj in W life " - ' cT -osX--(V YOUNG MAN don't you want to marry the girl of your choices-Put choices-Put in the bank some of your money, each week before you wed. Then you'll have a right to ask your sweetheart to many you. And you can have sonething to "start in" on, too. We will pay you 4 per cent interest on the money you put in our bank and compound the interest every six months. The First National Bank COALVILLE. UTAH. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $30,000 00 JAMES PINGKEE, Pra.idaat, ALFRED Bl.ONQUlST VU. - . C. BJ-ACK.MAN, VM-PrsveaMt FRANK rtNORAJE, 5-,JT7 rr |