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Show COALVILLE TIMES N. JACOB I0: PETERSON. Editor and Manager. THE REAL MELANCHOLY WILL OF PEOPLE UTAH Sarlling Revelations Made by John W. Gates Before Steel Trust Investigating Committee. BOYS KILLED AND PROPERTY DAMAGE WILL REACH' THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS. TWO UTAH STATE NEWS SURRENDERS SOVEREICStY HELD SINCE 1824 AS RESULT OF RECENT UPRISING. The town board of Bingham has let' the contract for a new JalL Ogden is free again from arnallpox for the first time in six months. The Ogden chamber of commerce U to have a country club, according to the sense of a meeting held last week. It has been practical!? decided to establish a rock pile to be used Jointly by the city end county for the exercise of prisoners at Ogden. The transplanting of two million and a half Douglas fir seedlings In Big Cottonwood canyon is nearing men being completion, twenty-thre- e engaged in the work. That cranberries will grow on the tillable land near Murray has been demonstrated frequently, and It Is now timed to redeem the marsh lands with the new Industry. Murrey gars official sanction to prise lighting within Its limits last week, when the city council refused to adopt n resolution prohibiting scents of that character. Careful Inspection of the alfalfa fields In. the neighborhood of Kays ills lest creek reresled the presence of alfalfa weeril In such numbers that It is feared the crop Is doomed. Burt Herrick of Ogden, while to extract the fangs from n rattlesnake, was bitten by the reptile,' and had a narrow escape from death. He is now out of danger. All of the labor laws In effect In Utah, including the new child labor law for law, and the new nine-houi-r women, will be enforced through the state bureau of formation epd sta- D Mexico City letter read President by the Peoria- ,- Ilk A tornado struck 111., ten miles south of here, at 1 oclock Sunday afternoon, killing two persons and causing property damage that Will amount to thousands. The' dead: Clyde Sakers. aged 14. Frank Woodley, aged 15. The storm came from the southwest, demolishing the pumping station on the opposite bank of the Illinois river. It then jumped across the Illinois river and the plants of the Boley Ice company were completely destroyed. The residence portion of the city escaped. kin, president of the chamber of deputies Thursday afternoon, resigned the presidency of Mexico, whlfh he baa held continuously since 1884, and at 4:54 oclock the acceptance of, the resignation by the deputies was announced. Everyoue'had expected an uproar and when , the v announcedemonstration ment should be made, but within the chamber the words announcing the event were followed by slleuee. The deputies seemed awed by what had taken place. In the streets, however, black with people, every road leading to the hall being blocked, news that Diaz was at last no more the president was the signal for wild shouting and manifestations. There was no violence or destruction of property. - On the motion to aeeept the presidents resignation, 167 deputies voted aye, while two did not express themselves. They were Benito Juarez, a tuepyngut, IML) DIAZ FLEES Aged Departs Secretly in for Night Spain, Where He tive FROM Wtfi Make Hi MEXICO CRUSHED BENEATH Granite City. IH. Twenty spectators at a ball game were more or less seriously injured Sunday evening when the grandstand collapsed under a heavy wind. Sidney JMarauss, 22 years old, of GrLuite City, was the most seriously Injured, receiving a broken leg and internal Injuries. Twelve of the twenty persons injured were baseball players. Most of the spectators fled at the approach of the storm. The grandstand was picked up bodily by the storm and hurled upon a crowd of players who were huddled behind it seeking shelter from hail. MACHINE fatal Accident Occur While Automo bile Drivers Are Practicing for Race. Home. Mexico City. Porflrlo Diaz, to whom Denver. Speeding over the three-mil- e motor course at Sable, ten miles during thirty years all Mexico has paid Deference, secretly left the capital to east of Denver, In preliminary prac2 o'clock Friday morning. Only n few tice for the race on Memorial friends, whom he trusted, followed him: day, two racing automobiles running to the station. He was bound for some distance apart veered from the Vera Cruz to take Bhlp for Spain, rourse'at the same point, but in he lnteuds to spend the rest of vosite directions, and turned turtle, Instantly killing the driver of one car his life. In the distance he couiu near thefknd injuring the other driver and the Robert voices of enthusiastic celebrant who nechanlclans of both cars. of Detroit, were acclaiming the new president, ,V. Bean' aged thirty-four- , Francisco I .eon de la Barra, and as crushed to death beneath the car. he Injured: Otto E. Manglltz of shouting "Viva Madero!" So carefully were the arrangements Denver; two ribB. broken, internal inmade for his .departure that details juries. Lee Bert Roberts. Denver, could not IhT conftrmed. Secrecy was badly bruised. Harry flail, Denver, due less to apprehension of a popular head bruised. outburst here than to a desire that he UPHOLDS BANKING LAW. reach Vera Cruz without the fact bebands knowu lo marauding along President Taft Refuse ing to Shorten the route. Sentences of Morse and Walsh. Girdle World With Wireless. Washington. President Taft on One hour by wire- Wednesday denied the application for Glace Bay, C. pardon of Charles W. Morse of less irom Glace Bay, C. B- - to Dakar, the New York and John R. Wfclsh of Chion the coast of French western bankers cago, the most prominent Africa, Is the astonishing feat that ever convicted and sentenced to fed-fil- l has Just beetr accomplished at the, prison under the national bunk-iiGlare Hay wtreteas station. The --me: laws. sage was flashed from this place to Not only did the president refuse to the Eiffel tower at Paris and from WdoV thenTbut 'he jieo declined to Paris relayed ..to the Dakar station, aercjM 0y,er executive clemency the whole operation taking sixty mln-ji,- , their cases to shorten their senates. So successful was the experijiejg imposed by the courts. . . jn denying the pardons the presl dent took a firm stand that the na tional banking laws or any other laws must be upheld when they affect the rich man even more than when they afrect.the.poor, The record lnthe Walsh case, the president said, show; a moral turpitude of that insidious and dangerous kind, to punish which espethe national banking laws cially enacted. 300-mil- e DIAZ REPULSED REBELS. e ef Price authorized n $15,000 bond issue, the money to be used in creating n publlo park, rumoring indebtedness on the publ'c lighting plant and extending the waterworks system. Sparks from n passing engine on the Denver A Rio Orande started n blaze in the barn of Ben Cox at Lebl that resulted In $500 damage. Ton tons of bay were burned, but a number of blooded horses were rescued. Copies of ths new quarantine laws, adopted by the state board of health, following a rerlston of the medical laws by, the last legislature, are being mailed to the local health boards and district health officers of the state. A petition has been filed In the by tbw wtUsene of new Teoele, through which the oltlsens hope to establish their Independence from, the old city, or Tooele proper, and incorporate a new city under the name of National City, t The KaysrlUe Commercial club has . passed resolutions asking the county commissioners of Davis county to tax ror good road levy a five-mil-l building throughout the county, the fund- - lo be need In connection with the state appropriation. A. L. Toone of Ogden, docket' clerk-othe last legislature, and who has held similar positions at former legislative sessions, has been appointed deputy dn the office of H. T, Haines. - commissioner of the state bureau of immigration, labor and statistics. Ths old freight house in the Ogdeu yards Is being razed to provide a site for s coach shop which- will be erected by the Harrtman lines as soon as - ths space is cIaared. - The new shop will be epeclally equipped to handle the steel coaches now In use on the O. 8. L. line. Joseph and Mart Mortensen of Mayfield returned last week from their sheep camp with three bears which they had killed while herding sheep. Several of their aheep were being killed each night, and the slaughter of the hears followed to protect the sheep. There was n rush to the federal land office in Salt Lake on Tuesday, the opening day for homesteading 40,000 acres of land In Millard connty, thirty-nin- e persons, six of them worn- en, being lined up when - the office opened, and 12,500 acres being disposed of daring the day. The petition from Colton and Tucker citizens in Spanish Fork canyon, for the organization of the town of Colton, fifteen miles in length, has been The object, of the desired In, denied. corporation was to permit the residents of Colton and Tucker, under a town government, to vote on the liq. uor question. The Salt Lake county commlrs oners have authorized n liquor election In the districts cf Salt Lake coun.y outside of incorporated towns, tn June 27, to determine whether these districts 'she 1 - remain "wet or go 'dry,"- In accordance w th the provisions of the liquor law passed by the recent legislature. - Suffering from a nervous break-down- , caused by the arduous duties of guarding Layton by n'gbt since J. W. Lavender, nightwatchman, was shot Shirts! went to the by band. hospital n few days ago In n state of nervous collapse. Partly because of the thinning out In Utah flocks during the past year, and partly because the wool dip le freer from sand and dirt than It was . a year ago, the total Utah wool clip will be considerably under the weight of the 1118 crop, according to pre ent estimates -- f Sensational Exit of Former President from Mexico, Hie Train Being Attacked by Revolutionists. Vera Gruz. General Diaz himself took command of the federal soldiers who repulsed a large force of rebels while the former president of Mexico was on his way from Mexico City to Vera Cruz.--Th- e latest estimate places tho number of rebel dead at twenty and the mounded unknown. The rebels came into the open as the trains were approaching Tepeya-bualco- . They numbered 500 and began a fierce attack. The federals at once detrained and used rapid fire - a " Dies. PeWIrio descendant of President Juarez, and Concepcion del Valle. As their names arose were called, other legislator and bowed their affirmation. In similar fashion, the resignation of Vice Pres'dent Ramon Corral, now In France, was unanimously accepted and similarly Francisco Leon de la Barra, late ambassador to Washington, was . chosen ..provisional president. de la The people have accepted Barra as their provisional president with every indication that they will, a a mass, stand back of him until an election can be held.lf the unanl- - guns. General Diaz ordered his special car to proceed nearer to the scene and as it drewr up be alighted and with pistol in band ran forward to aid his defenders. The federals quick action with the rapld-flrerhowever, had taken the rebels by surprise and they were soon in full retreat. ip Jn Monterey,- - Mex., by a detect tlve, who- - had trailed him from El Paso. The alltged plot Involves certains sums of money which were to have been paid out to Maderos miliMadero, according to dajr nlght. Terrified by them allclous tary leaders. stories of Italians she met on the jour-- " Xhe'delnIl8"glveh' ouf 'by' him,' wasful-ladvised of the scheme and allowed ney from New York, she jumped from Fe train near Bpsstow, pre- it to be encouraged. A ten days & Santa ferring to chance death on the blaz- trailing by detectives then began. than ing Bands of the Mojave-ratheMarooned in a Blizzard. face the terrible fate she pictured Grand in When Junction. Colo. Robert E. Francisco. San her awaiting the girl was found by a searching Yens, Ernest Lyons and John Baker, together with their wives and eleven party she waa almost dead. Children and four- - teams were maTelephone Companies Combine. rooned in a blizzard at Marshall Pass are on the continental divide last week Boise, Idaho. Negotiations now well under way and plana will and for three days and nights were without food or shelter. The party be perfected 'bore for the consolidation of the two telephone systems of started from Granite. Okla., two Bote, the Rocky Mountain Bell Tel- months ago and are traveling - oven ephone company and the Independent land to Utah. Telephone company, A similar conHomesick Italian End Life. solidation waa made In northwestern ' San Francisco. When the great fire cities recently. v crept up Telegraph Hill It left a dead British Pride tumbled. tree with one naked limb standing, on London. British pride received a tbe highest bit of ground in San FranWednescommons cisco. Francisco Lu'gi C.apl del Cajar In th house of McKenday afternoon when Reginald tena, pining for his native land, the ot lord admir<yadmit-tena. first Mmsembthe limb Sunday hanged' in reply to question, that the with a red sash which ,he had morning United States battleship Delaware from brought Tuscany. coronawill be the largest ship at the Great review, surpassing naval tion Economizing on Soldidrs' Clothes. Britain's show ship, the Neptune. Washington. From the standpoint of economy, the war .department has Idaho Sheepmen Selling W09I, to clothe the artnjrln woolen Boise, Idaho. The first Important decided of Instead worsted uniforms. All the counIntermountain the of wool aale took place Wedensday at woolen manufacturers In the country this year try have been Invited to send the departOntario, when 260,000 pounds ot fine ment samples of the olive drab woolen sold was at merino prices quality clothes which they can offer. 12 to 14c, from per pound. ranging Beat Wife to Death. Four Meet Death in Mine. Tacoma, Wash. T. H. Gardner,' a Htbbing. Minn. Four men were the in Sellers mine traveling preacher attached to no blown to pieces beat sect, head The of afternoon. hisydfe to death with a Wednesday a east of Kittitas, and after mile club, was hurled feet The fifty ooe man to drown himself In an IrA charge of powder attempting were .placing 0en rigating ditch gave himself np. It went, off prematurely. 1 y r , -- Don Francisco Loon Do La Barra. . mous aentlment at preaent hold good, that election will place Francisco Madero in the preatdential chair. The resignation of Diaz and his cabinet marks the complete triumph of 1. the revolution. Maderlsta - declare that the profound conviction of the abllltjr of the Mexican people to gov- ern themselves has been proved. They were weighed in the scales Thursday night and not found wanting. Marked Improvement was shown Thursday In General Diass health, according jo an oLTlcial statement Thursday nlgju. He had practically no fever and was able to walk abput In his home. ' ' Set Date for Vote. The 'senate has fixed 'Washington. June 12 for a vote on the joint resolution- providing for the election of United States senators by direct vote of the people. - The resolution already has passed the 'house, S Seven Miners Cruahsd to Death. ' Saulte Ste. Marie, OnL Seven miners were killed by a mass of falling rock in the Helen mine owned by the Lake Eurerlor corporation at according to n report receiv- y ed by stewner. Mlchi-ptcote- V , d 5-- when Express Companies Next J Washington. ExpressIt n companies resolution to be Investigated, y-Introduced by Represent Inquiry 0f Vjabath of Illinois It passed or.. role-tororably by the committee on whlc hit was referred.' Just Now Waging Fight Against Acceptance of Utah Silver Service. Salt Lake City. The Herald-Repulican Sunday morning, published a special dispatch from Washington, which was as follows: A quiet investigation of the agitation over the silver service to te pro sented by the people ef Utah lo the battleship Utah next August shows that it is a Democratic idea to niak trouble and that the active Democratic agent is Richmond Pearson hero of San Hobson, the tlago bay and now a Democratic con gressman from Alabama. As a former naval officer. Congressman llobsos takes a great deal of interest In tbe affairs of the navy and is a prominent member of tbe naval affairs committee lorthc houscberore hioh the protestants against receiving the silver service appeared a few days ago." Is Americans Charged With Consp'racy to .Start Counter Revolution. El Paso. What is looked upon by Francisco I. Madero as q well laid plot to prevent his reacning Mexico City, to overthrow-his-leadershand to start a counter revolution against him was revealed Saturday night In tbe arrest of Daniel Devilliere of Mexico City. W. F. Dunn, an American, according to a telegram received by Ma dero's chief military adviser, was he -- AND HIS HOBBY. HOBSON PLOT AGAINST MADERO. GTrrNeaKy'Perlshes on Desert. San'Franclsco. After wandering Mojave desert for nearly two days' without food or water, Maria Ferrari. an Italian immigrant girl, was brought to the home of her brother here Frl-In-t- - i all-nig- - Pe- In a Diaz. John W. Gates, under Washington oath, on Saturday, laid baie before the Stanley steel trust investigating committee these startling facts concerning the steel trust and the steel Industry of the United States: The steel trust was horn at an meeting at the homo of J. P. Morgan In New York and bad its Inspiration in threat by Andrew Carnegie to go Into railroad construction and steel tube manufacture. Carnegie had been a demoralizing influence In the steer Industry and It was feared he would become troublesome in the railroad business. Carnegie was paid $320,000,006 In bonds for his controlling interest In the Carnegie Stoel company, for which he had given an option one year before for $160,000,000. Incidentally hs pocketed the $1,000,000 option forfeit posted by W. II. Moore and C. H. Frick. The Tennessee Coal and Iron company was acquired by the steel cor poration after a squeese of the syndicate controlling the majority stock without the transfer of a dollar in cash. J. Plerpont Morgan and bit partner, George W. Perkins, arranged the shifting of securities. The majority stockholders in the Tennessee Coal and Iron company received about $96 value In steel corporation securities for the stock which they had refused to sell to Morgan a year before for $150 per share. Gate made it quite clear that the acquisition of Tennessee Coal and Iron by the steel trust was by no means an altruistic effort to prevent thespread of the panic of 1907, as has been repeatedly asserted. That was a mere blind, he asserted. Morgan wanted Tennessee Coal and and Iron, regarding the time as propitious, be applied the screws, according to Gates. A year before Morgan tried to buy stock -- in the --concern. Gates - charges, and was turned down. The steel corporation cannot control the steel Industry in the United States, aocording to Mr. Gates, except in special lines. Artitrary abuse and power gained through ownership ol transportation companies, however, would enable tbe steel strust to crush Independent operators forced to use the Lake Superior region ore. Cates, controlling stockholder in the Republic Coal and Iron company, told the commit! -- thUAa.twt4open market with competition and the survival of the fittest. , Twenty Spectators at Bait Game Mors or Less Seriously Injured When Picked up Grandetand Wa Bodily by the Wind. La Barrs is Chosen as Head of Government UntU Election Can be Held, When Madero Expect; to be Chosen as President. ' i tistics. By a rote of forty to four, citizens - SECRETS . COALVILLE ts,-Bu- rt BARE! TRUST LAYS DAYS b one-tim- Coney Island Practically Destroyed. New York. Coney Island, the playgrounds of New York, Buffered th worst fire disaster in its history early Saturday, the loss being $3,000,000. Dreamland, the largest of tne amuse; ment parks waa wiped out and about four blocks adjoining, covered with booths, restaurants, hotels, moving picture, theatres and resorts of various types were destroyed. In all about 200 buildings were burned down and perhaps 2.000 per sons concessionaries and employes were turned into the streets, homeless and penniless. No 1 ves were kst. Condemn Drinking Habit. Atlantic City, N. J. A condemnation of tbe ure of intoxicants by diplomatic representat'ves of tbe United States in foreign lands waa the feature Saturday of the closing 'session of tbs' one hundred twenty-thirgen of the Presbyterian d eral assembly church. Offer Taft a Home. Clear Lake, .lowa. This city wa offered as the summer cap tal of the United States; when the Commercial club on Saturday designated a site of twenty acres to be presented to President Taft for hia home during tho hot months. - - Tobacco Trust Leader is lit. . New York. Thomas Fortune Ryan, the most nowerful personality In tbe was said by bis physitobacco y cians and hia private secretary evening to be only 'temporarily laid up In bfd. tn; Sat-nrda- ! Coal Train Goes Through Trestle. " Succeeds Bishop Ryan. und Charlotte.' N. C.A doublebead coal Rome. t, Right' train on the Sealward Ail Line went of Philadelauxiliary bishop n two miles trestle east of through was announced at the Vatican and phia, it Bostick, killing both engineers firemen. The trestle was weakened Saturday, has been appointed nrch-bishop of Philadelphia In succession , by fit e. to the late Rsv. John Ryan..v Rev.-Edm- Pren-dergas- L " 1 t |