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Show A1INCS AND AINING A' II d 1,-elOrV meellng of the 0;v lioiir Mining lomt'inj. le Id In I'tovu I iM - Ii. a .I'l l nd of I i em ii shnrn I d. , 1 ii. -I. amountiiiK in all to .ii t :'.'' It l hi i ( I by i-Kt.in .nib irl- lies that ilurlni; Ihe :i-t tell ilil there hm- been rialei for about ". ' .""i1 Ik.iiii.Ih ot copper in pri, . n r.me.ne Innu Ut I In 1 J .. N ecus per pound ibml inlnern an- tn.ik in; as hleli in f'.'nil p r liionlb In l a-lni; III lliu mines about V.il.l, . A'.o k.l l.lvllli; . oi)v, s ate nbou: the same as I'm N:idi cam p., with the advati! i.V of a i...ie"i town and u ib-lig'iitul summer limit- b -a pi mini,: l.',.i"i ev.-r niniiib tn ttllplitl. tl.elit and ibAelopuieiil of the 11. Inc. Hie Seven Triull'll Colli- tlnn couipaiiy nf Nevu.lii Is rapidly bringing to the front one ot the b g nilnei of Hie Htate of Nevada, accord, lug to all nccotiutl. Tbe liianiiKcr of the I't.lll Mine! Conlllion made the Itatetiieut l.int week tint tho mine Is looking : wel 111 ever. Tbe channel Is being run tn tho r I it t i I of the ore now, and within the net few daya ho e-cts In I i; n ' upialKlin; on the oi .A lining eastern anillctto has purchased pur-chased .'." aen i near tin- La S.il j mount. ilni In tlruud county, 1'iati, and It la iiiiiioimci d a plant rosi in; Jl ., OUO will be Installed l-linie ll.i'elv. and hydraulic bundling of the vast ton-tinge ton-tinge will bo ill actual nper.itlon lustd of sixty ilayn. It Ii rumored that the Knti-bt people peo-ple are lulenilinr to do mini Icruhlo work on their vstloui proiM-rt'c In tho American Koik. Ctiih. dlsttlet tbli senson. If they do. It Is tlioiii-'it that mine very Imimrtnnt dlseoveilei may be ntnde lpeclnlly Is Ibis true of ibe M neiul Flat property. Copper ore carrying e'cbl Iciilln of one per rent of the nu liil Ii being mined by tho Nevudi Coiisiililate, at Copper Flat, transiairted twenty two mlloi from the pit tn tho couci-utrator nt Mitilll nnd (here treatnl at such n low cost that a profit ti inailn by Ibe company, says Ibe Liy Lxposllor. It Is reported lb it at the Mammoth claim In the llutiiboblt rutige. louili nf Mill City, Navadl. tln-re Is n coll nlderublo tnnnago of ore blocked out and on the dump nnd a shipment Is to bo nniilo In a abort time. The ore that will bo aent out unsays 4un ounces In illver, 12(1 In gold and about 40 per cent lead. The most of Ih Irani Into Tpllur-Me, Tpllur-Me, Nevada,- hi at preeent by way of llattlo Mountain, but road la to b built Into the ramp from Voliny oa ' the Southern Pacific and only fourteen four-teen mllea distant. The Vuluiy rout will be much ilmrlor than thu other anil will get the bulk of thn travel when th road 1 cnmpletvd. Word was brought to Salt Ltik from northern Nevada limt week thai In a recent conviiriu.il ton Superintendent Superintend-ent Stlmpann of the lluckhorn Mine cornpuny, the famoua old property located lo-cated icveu nillei eaat ot t'nrlel. In Eureka county, made the statement that ho thought work would be ro sunied on the property In tho near future. fu-ture. An Interesting situation ii presented present-ed by the relnase on Thursday of last week of tho April copper production of the 1'luh Cupper and Nevada Consolidated Con-solidated rompanlea. I'tlh Copiier produced pro-duced l.ir.a.LMH pounds, agulnit 7,-SHu.Vi 7,-SHu.Vi In March, and the Nevada Consolidated produced r.:Vi,3Z2 IHiiinds ugalnnt l,i'il,t!it In March. Mining men, who, In tho rush and turmoil of new mining rninps aprlng-Ing aprlng-Ing up In Nevada, have forgotten the good work of the Comitock aa a producer pro-ducer lu the old daya. and who rushed off to flirt with fortune In tloldllnld, Manhattan, Tonopah and llawhldn, are now swarming back lo thu old Com-sunk Com-sunk to tell her that they find her ai charming is ever and that they love her at HI. my the Carson city Apiieul. A mining engineer writes from Vnl-del, Vnl-del, Alaska, ai follow: "Vuldei Ii overcrowded with men walling for tho now to leuvo thn hllli. I should suggest sug-gest that you advertise for good miners. min-ers. Tliero aro ton many men of (ho rlty typo bore. They know nothing about mlulng and make pour lit-tempts lit-tempts tn work. Tho mine operator complain of ibe luck of mlneri, nnd they havu now crewi every few weeks." Information cornea from lloavnr county, 1,'tah. that the last woik on thu Busy lice property waa enccurag-Ing enccurag-Ing and thut In a crosscut troui the 2iH level twenty feet of ore win slun k, which averaged I- lu gold, sampled all the way across. In thla vein above live feet went SIM. Thut wan lorty feet from the aiirluco There were I Iti carloada of ore shipped from the Tint U- dlHtrlct lust I week, tho Iron lllnsnom heading thu list. A new strike of gold ore Hint bun the earmark! of tanking Into another rich mliio la now being oimiuoiI on the i northwest aide of Wlnnemucca inouu I luin on property owned by Nepk 1 Adumsoii, Kubo llattle and Frank Adaulua, auya thu Nevada Humboldt Star. Work la being pushed ahead at th property of the Kagle tllrd Mining and Mllllug conipiuy, located lu darker'! dar-ker'! canyon, four mllei north of Bingham. The tunnel la now In about 100 feet In lime. Th men are expect) ex-pect) f to croiacut th vein any day. |