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Show . A . ALPS Home Town Helps -- BY PIERCED ARE 4 ANOTHER ty ' E MINES AND MINING TUNNEL K FI HOW TO BEAUTIFY YOUR LAWN Professor Major ef University of souri Gives Home Landscape Hints In a Lecture. Mis- VV v,,A' wry -- , yv--- wA-eH' SvH-- v Home landscape gardening which is nothing more than making your house and yard look so homelike and inviting that jour friends instinctively will want to drop In as they pass the gate is not 60 difficult a matter as it sounds That, at least, was the gained by 600 fathers and mclheis and children, too, who attended the lecture given at Kansas City, Mo., ly H. F. Major, instructor in landscape gardening at the University of Missouri. "A well arratiged home is very much like a correctly composed picture, Mr. Major said. The sky is the background. The house, placed well back in the middle distance Lb th? focal point the uatural resting point for the eye. The lawn, spreading out from the house, is like the mat to the picture and, like a picture mat, should be kept simple and unbroken. Driveways and walks are quite necessary, but as they are not decorative they should be kept to one side and not too wide. Then comeg the frame for the picture. Trees and shrubs plenty of. them down the driveways and about the house, covering up the foundations and the sharp corners. These are the settings that hold the picture together. Then, the Important thing is to keep the place cleaned upT Grounds need grooming as well as horses, and show the effects just as much. Cleaning up around a house is like keeping your clothes brushed It gets to be a habit. - WILL ERECT MODEL VILLAGE Concrete Houses Planned by Los Angeles Women for Accommodation of Poor. Obstacles to the establishment of'-- r model village by members of the Friday Morning club ' probably are cleared away as far as the city council Is concerned. The plan of the women contemplates the erection of model concrete dwellings, to be rented at nominal to the poor with ,a view to ' prices bettering their condition. . The public Welfare committee la In favor of leasing the land lying west of the old Catholic cfemeteiV for the purpose, and Howard Robertson, deputy city attorney, la looking Into the matter of the city's right to lease land belonging to the municipality. It has been determined that the city Is forbidden to give a lease to run more than ten years. The women Interested in the prospect seek to r have the lease wlth-a- n of another term. As soon aq the point whether the city has the right To enter Into a contract of this kiad Is settled, a resolution will be drawn up authorizing the council to enter f int the agreement While the members of the public welfare committee are willing to grant the concessions asked, as far aa they personally are concerned, they will have to abide by the limitations of the charter, but believe that If the lan .proves to be a success there will never be any difficulty in obtaining a renewal of the lease. Los Angeles Express. - -- ten-yea- option Unique Tree Statute. by her shade tree statute, converted the rocky - pioneer trail of the tree planter into a graded, progress fostering roadvtay. The law provides for & shade tree commission of three freeholders, who shall serve without compensation. The commission is not only warden of the older treesbut also planter of the new. In Newark, where the law has been In force six years 17,000 young trees bn 102 miles of streets have been set out. Picture this: ODe hundred and two miles of new plantings, adorning the streets,' gladdening the eye, oool-In- g and purifying the air, and enhancing the city's beauty and wealth. Of course, this Increase in growth and beauty Is not the result merely of time and elements, for a tree commission is required systematically to mulch, trim, spray, fertilize and otherwise nurture Its young. A New Jersey, Fish That Use Ballast Gloucester fisherman, one of the Protestants against the. fish clause In the Canadian reciprocity bill,' was talking about fish in Washington. These balloonists and aeronauts," he said, "think they are very clever with their 'sand ballast, but the codfish has been using, sand ballast since before the flood. , Whenever there's a terrible scarcity. of. cod, what few you do catch have sand in their spypachs. Why? To weight them, so that they can sink down to. deep water, where' their - ; r rfriends nre. i cod means scarce Yes, sand-fillefish. It means that the cod, for some reason or other, are. swimming deep, their stomachs ballasted with sand to A , , ' ' d keep Ahem, down.,. t Wouldn't It Make 'Em Jump? "Australia claims she la going to keep the meat trust out of that island - eocUnenL "TAw, ten that to thai kangaroo! V ifip n&rm? , aA . irw- aocK-OMj- ii J ' j on the Lotscbberg tunnel, tbe third longest In Europe, Is progressing so well that the opening of this bore WORK the Alps has been set for May 1, 1913. At 3:50 o'clock one naming not long ago the two boring Worth ter "TEngTHeeT parties met. When the first small hole had been made through tb5 DamsrbdKv een'thh abunch of Alpine flowrs by Engineer Rotbpletz, in charge , Moreau, In charge of the south party, was handed of the northern partj. Then the chief engineer passed through the openfci and embrace bis colleague. The other workers followed. The tunnel, which takes itjs name frqm the Lotechen PasB, under which It runs, passes miles In length. somewhat to the east, of the Balmhorn, a 12.00Q foot high peak, and Is over tine and Unlike other Alpine miles longer; the 8L Gothard a quartet Jnlle longer. The Simplon is three and tunnels. It is curved, Ifb course haying been diverted Owing to a great disaster of July, 1908, when by an accident, the Kander river was .tapped and the water, rushing into the workings, killed 25 men. The result of tbe work will be a number of modifications In tbe international railway traffic of cmtral Europe. t At a dTirtors meeting of the Op In Frovo hmigo Mining compan). a d'viili'ijd of 1 ni a share list was deviated, aiuuuuiing in nit to about f tt.(MM) it Is si minted by eastern authorities that during the past ten ilajs there have been Bales for about lamnda of copper at priei a ranging from 12 14 to 12 6 8 cents per pound. Good miners are making as high as rha" TmtrjieF TOoriThtn Tnt sin g Tin mines about Valdez, Alaska. - Living eapon.ses are about the same as the Nevada ramps, with the advantages of a seaport towu and a summer climate. hrixpending $15,000 every' month to Improvements uud development of the mine, the Seven Troughs Coalition company 'of Nevada is rapidly bringing to the front one of the b g mines of the state of Nevada, according to all accounts. The manager of the Utah Mines Coalition made the statement last week that the mine is looking as well as ever. The channel Is being run to the right of th6 ore now, and within the next few days he expects to. beg n upraising on the or. A strong eastern syndicate has purchased 500 acres near the La Sal mountains in Grand county, Utah, and it is announced a plant cosUng $15,-00- 0 will be installed Immediately, and hydraulic handling of' the vast tonnage will be in actual operation Ihslds of sixty days. It Is rumored that the Knight people are Intending to do considerable work on their various properties In the American Fork, Utah, district this season. If they do, it is thought that some very Important discoveries may be made. Especially Is this true of the Mineral Flat property. Copper ore carrying e'ght tenths of one per rent of the metal Is being mined by the Nevada Consolidated at Copper Mat, transported twenty two miles from the pit to the concentrator at McGill and there treated at such a low' cost that a profU ls'mado by the" company," says the Ely Expositor. It Is reported that at the Mammoth claim in the Humboldt rsnge, south of Mill City, Nevada, there Is a eon Blder&ble tonnage of ore blocked out and on the dumps and a shipment Is to be made la a short time. The ore that will be sent out assays 400 ounces In silver, $20 In gold and about ' 40 per cent lead. The most of the travel lito Tellur-- one-fourt- h one-fourt- h CAT MOTHERS COYOTE IS MALIGNED out on the prairie not far away Bravest Animal AliVe, Declares coop and surrounded It with wolf traps. Former U, S. Marshal. Early the next morning I took my re- Chicago. volver and went out to see caught anything.- - Not a trap had been disturbed. While I stood there seven of the rascals snooped up out of the darkness and surrounded me. They ckme up to within feet of me and I began to expect a fighL I drew sway fron them, making toward camp, thinking to unchain the dogs and have an early morning chase. They followed, but when they caught smell of the dogs, they took to their heels. "There Is something queer about the howling of coyotes. It reminds me more of Indians dancing than else. I think the Indians learned some of their antics from tbe coyotes; and then again when you remember how smart the doggoned coyote is, It may have been the other way, he may have caught the trick from watching the Indians. One night, several years ago, I saw a coyote come loping along until he reachcfi a little knoll,' where he stopped. .He sat up on his haunches and emitted a ghastly yowl. Silence followed; then another yowl, in ten minutes a dozen othqr .Incoyotes gathered around, him. stead of sitting up on their haunches like the first one they circled around him in a radius of about ten feet in a kligl of a lope, howling, first a short yelp and then a long one. Occasionally the one sitlet out t ting in the middle-woulcry. That was the cue for. the others to begin all over again. I made a movement and in a moment they bad vanished like tbe shadows: d :L: That Is Information Given Out by Jack Abernathy of Oklahoma, Better Qualified for Talk Than Any Other Person. tn , Oklahoma - Clty. - Okla. The - coyote has been greatly maligned. Instead of being the woist coward lnthe animal kingdom it Is tbe bravest thing in existence. That is the Information e Jack coming from States Abernathy, former United marshal, and better qualified for discussing the coyote, perhaps, than any r other living man, Recently while discussing coyotehunting with some friends, Abernathy gave utterance to some statements that are surprising. There is a mistaken Impression reI have garding the coyote, he said. caught a thousand of them and 1 never made-on- e yelp with pain. They would rather run than fight, but when they are cornered they fight like the very old Nick and die without a whimper. I would rather catch a wolf alive than a coyofg. The wolf la larger, but the coyote is quicker. The coyote never hunts trouble. 1 never had one attack .me unless I had started the fighL He sleeps the greater part of tbe day and forages at night. I have noticed that they are braver at night than in the daytime. "As to their Intelligence why, dang It, they're tbe smartest things Uv!hg. They are more cunning than a fox. They can ambush a dog with mors Skill than a Mississippi nigger can invade a hen roost on night. Their" favorite trick Is to double on dogs when being chased. I had a fine greyhound killed once by this trick. Three dogs were .chasing a coyote"," The trail led through a rough country and the wolf, as they are commonly called on the ranges, led tbe dogs Into a trap. . A half dosen other cojrotes eamS out from a ravine and took after the dogs. Suddenly the wolf that was being pursued stopped and In a moment there was the fight you ever. saw. They killed on of the dogs before 1" could get dlosa enough to unlimber, my Winchester and get Into the game. "A wolf knowa when he la in danger and when he Is not Ones I had a mop of chickens In camp. Tbs coyotes took the rerpfowHhg about, Catch-'Em-Allv- , soi i N any-thn- long-draw- g n hltch-and-a-tr- d long-draw- PUPS Fester Parent Loses Brood When Disgruntled Owner Decides to Drown Them Not Wanted. r ! INJURED This la the sad story ot three unwelcome black and tan puppies thatwere drowned after a cat tried to mother them and had adopted them In the place of a litter of kittens that had been taken away from her a few days before. The puppies wen dropped in a basket from the third-stor- window of a store and fiat buildstreet and Cottage ing Grove avenue. The fall failed to kill them and the puppies lay maimed and bleeding on the ground in the rear ol the building. In the new act In the tragedy a gray and white cat while mousing around the alley discovered them. Die regarding her natural antipathy to the canine race the old cat carried the puppies to a place of safety. She was busy giving them a tongue 831 Brown. bath when Mrs.-Mar- y Fifty-nint- h place, found them. Sh Inquired bow they cam to J?e there and learned of the basket and tbe from which they had been dropped. Mrs. Brown called up tbe eoclety and notified Secretary Krause of the rase and returned to the puppies, intending to take them to her home. In her absence the owner had picked them up and drowned them In a bucket of water. She found their little water-soakebodies lying on s heap of rubbish and the story of the three unwelcome puppies was fin iahed. Anti-Cruelt- y d n HENS TRAVEL 12,000 MILES Descendants Chickens Arrive - In England Hava Worlds Record. of Champion Australian x IS ATLANTIC COAST SINKING? Inquiry to Be Made This Year at to Theory That There le Drop of Two Feet a Century. Trenton, N. J. Whether the cosat of New Jersey Is sinking about two feet a century is to be ascertained this sumnjer. At a meeting of the board of managers of the state geological survey. State GeolpgiVt Kuin-nie- i reported that be had' made arrangements with Prof. D. W. Johnson of Harvard university to make tbe neCestafry research. Some scientists have bald that Atlantic eeacowt was sinking at tbe rate of two feet fcvery hundred years, and tbs theory hag oormp to be generally accepted. Professor Jdhnson will come to this stats and prosecute tha study under a research fund established at Harvard. The result Is expected to have an Important bearing on the eosst levels eatabUEhed lii thl!, London. After s 12,000-milJourney from Adelaide. 8oifth Australia, a flock of pedigreed white Leghorn poultry has arrived at the Garth Poultry farm, Gian Conway. Denb'lgshire. Tbe fowls Were obtained from A. H. Pud-mawhose, white Leghorns secured tbe worlds record for egg laying In tbe twelve months competition Vhlch terminated on March 31, 1910, held at Gattoh, Queensland. The six hens laid 1431 eggs, valued at $30, during the year, which works out to an average of about 2S5 egga per hen. Tbe bens nowatGlan are descendants of these birds. state - e y 26 years ago. lu-l- MerNewatfarl. t prevent hrwar f Battle Mountain, but a road is to be built Into the camp from Valmy on the. Southern Pacific and only fourteen miles distant The Valmy route wilt be much shorter than the other and will get tbe bulk of the travel when tbe road Is completed. Word was brought to Salt Lake from northern Nevada last week that In a recent conversation Superintend ent Stimpson of tbe Buckhorn Mines company,- - the famous old property located seven miles east ot Cortez, In Eureka county, made tbe statement that he thought work would be resumed on the property in the near future. An Interesting situation is presented by the7 release on Thursday of last week of tbe April copper production of the Utah Copper and Nevada Consolidated companlea. Utah Copper produced 8,169,248 pounds, against If the Nevada 260, 2. i in March, and 1,293,332 Consolidated produced pounds against 5,632,256 In March. Mining men, who. In the rush mud turmoil of new mining campe springing up In Nevada, have forgotten the good work of the Comstock as a producer in the old days, and who rushed off to flirt with fortune in Goldfield, Manhattan, Tonopah and Rawhide, are now ewarmlug back to the old Corn-stocto tell her that they find her as charming as ever and that they love her still, says the Carson City .. AppeaL A mining engineer writes from Val "Valdez dez, Alaska, as follows overcrowded with men waiting for the snow to leave the hills. I should suggest that you advertise for good min ers. There are too many men of the city type here. They know nothing about mining and make pour attempts tQ work. The mine operators complain of the lack of miners, and very few they have new crews weeks." Information comes from Beaver county, Utah, that" the last wotk on the Busy Bee property was enecurag ing and that" in a crosscut front the 208 leveltwenty feet of ore was struck,-- " which averaged $2 in gold sampled all the way across. In this vein above five feet went $24. That was forty feet from the surface. There were 146 carloads of ore shipped from the Tlntlc district last , TVie WonGer Days Muy (rings tha wonder days the fields so green and rlean, The grnss leaps out by magic where the hi Us were dull and mean; It drifts across the valleys like a whisper In the night And gleams like priceless velvet In tha of jh light. And timer's thrall Is broken; It bad held tis overlong. But now the world Is hiring with the gladness of a song ' v May brings the" wonder days the days of rubtle change When even In a moment come a trana-- f irmatlon strange; The blossoms In the orchard seem to breathlessly unfold. The treadowlajide.a-- e blasoned with the ' dandelions, gold, The rfocue node Its message, and the lrrftjy ritbpS burns j flower-tim- e In red and yellow glory as the returns. May with her wonder days? marvel-sk- And, O, the y That has a sapphire beauty as It arches fair and high. a And rippling from It in the hushes of the dawn The careless notea of beauty that our tsrd-song- Joy la bullded on! 111 tie leavpa that tremble Into form, until they seem To eprsad a veil of beauty o'er the forest . , , In a dream. The The laughter end the singing, and tha or tha brook cl Which tosses foamy kisses to tha shadows In the nook t . i And how the breeze le chanting In I murmurous refrain . r ' To trees upon 'the hillside and to briers - In the lane. Till all tha world le smiling, and the very heart of things Is vibrant with the music ef the song the whole world sings., ts , FAIR WARNING. "I've half a mind to kiss you," announced the callow youlh as he stood" In the hallway putting on his gloves. Well," replied the coy young thing, If you fry that, papa will come out Into the hall and demonstrate to yon that you haven't half a mind, even. Knew His Business. " Senator," says his secretary, "shall I transcribe that list of appointments you want made In jour district., and send It In for approval before you go home? "Not much, youpg man. Just put that list In the gate and keep It there 41 til I come hack. Don't you suppose I want a reception committee to meet me at fhe train, and to be the object of general public- - welcoming and felicitation when I reach boms? ' Fitting. Tbs boss Imp smiles languidly and hands the worried 'hade another " ; gourd. The shade cuts the gourd open, tastes it, and throws it upon heap of gourd shells about a mile high. "What are you doing to him? asks , Dante. "This Is our way of punishing dealers who sold cantaloupes In the other world," Is the explanation. Redeemed Himself. said the These biscuits, husband, take my appetite. Here the young wifes1 eyes began week, flashing fire, whereat the young' huslist continued hurriedly; band A new strike, of gold ore that has As I "was about to say, these bis- the earmarks of. making Into another cults take my appetite that la er rich mine Is now belfig opened on the , it takes an appetite like mine to do northwest side of WInnemuoca mouo- - y,em justice." tain on property owned by Neph Adamson," Rube'BatUes and Frank , fibs Misunderstood Him. Humboldt AdanAoa, says the was afraid, says the young man, , Star. that you 'would expose yourself to .Work Is being pushed ahead at the comment this afternoon. One of the property of the Eagle Bird Mining men we Just passed said something tad Milling company, located in Har-ker- 's about 'beauty and the beast. Then why did you come with me? canyon, four miles north of Bingham. The tunnel la now In about ' JOO JeeUa DmeThe . men are expect! zg to crosscut the vela any day, Nrda 1 i |