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Show Glitlle World With Wlreleit. ' t.lam Hav. V. II ()no hour by wireless wire-less in. in HI ice Hay, C. II . to liakiir. on tho coast of l-'rcnch western Africa, Is the imlonlshlug feat Ihul haa Just been accomplished at tin Uface liny wireh as arntlon. Th" -lllest sag waa flashed from Ihla place m the l:ilfiil tower nt I'arla and frmn 1'nrla relayed tu tlie Dakar elation, tho wliolu operation taking sixty in In Hlea Ho succcBsrill waa Iho etperl mem that It Is now announced ihntj I he 1 1 t 1 1 1 x tl ilipeuilellcles will be llnki ed love: her b wlr.'li-ss "ml plana lij th'a end are now being made. Itet I ween aevemy and ulity new sl Huns will he leqlll;.'.! In put f- I girdle nioiin.l the world. j |