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Show TDHNADO JN ILLlNUiS TWO BOYS KILLED AND PROPERTY PROP-ERTY DAMAGE WILL REACH THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS. Twenty Spectator! at Ball Game More or Lett Serloutly Injured When Grandttand Waa Picked up Bodily by the Wind. Prorin, III - A tnrmiiln struck Po-kin. Po-kin. III, ten mllra south of here, at 1 o click Sunday alternoon, killing two pcrs-ins and causing property damage that will amount to thousands. The dead: Clydu Snkerg, aged 14. Frank Wnoilley, aged 15. The storm came from thn tnuthwest, demollKhlng Ihe pumping elation on tho opposite bank of the Illinois river. It then Jumped nero'a tho Illinois river and the plunin of tlie Holey rt company wertt completely com-pletely dcalmyed. Tho residence portion por-tion uf I he city eaciipcd. C.ranlto City. Ill Twenty apertn-torn apertn-torn at a bull game were more or lesa aerloutly injured Sunday evening when tho gruiidatnnd rollapied under a heavy wind. Sidney Marnua, '22 yenra old, of :r.V.t City, waa thn moat aerlotialy Injured, receiving a broken leg and Internal Injuries. Twelve of the twenty persons Injured wero baseball playera. Most of Iho apectntora fled nt the approach of the storm. Thn grand-st grand-st mil wna picked up bodily by the alorm and hurled upon a crowd of playera who were huddled behind It I seeking thelter front hall. |