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Show In th Third Judicial lil.lrlcl (lourt. In and ear Hlale of ltata. tHHinly of Hummtt. Myrtle Meacliam, plalnlllT. va. Ham II. M sachem, defendant HUM MIINH, Th Hlateof Plan to thesald defendant! You arehereky summoned loappaar within with-in twenty daya alter lhesarv.ee of milium-mom milium-mom upon you. If served witntn th county tn which thia action la broualit. utherwls. within thirty dayi after service, and defend th above ntltled action; otherwise, and III caae of your fallur so to do, Juilament will ba rendered aaalnsl you acconllnc to the demand of th complaint, which ha been filed with the lllnrk of said I'uurt. . Thia action ta twotia-lit to recover a Juda Bin! rtlaaolvllic th bonds uf matrimony hruifor eitstlna le'lween ynu aud the plaintiff. II. H. Towaaaau. I'lalntirT'a Attorney. P.O Address, Parklllly, Utah. |