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Show I JUST RECEIVED A New Line of jj Hats" I I SpccW lkcs on a!! MILL1NFRY I I 2L lit Siii:roiiii i!.-j:;SJ.ts.T .. v ' - .' r. ' ,:::iM!M&. it e i-.cnif , . Iron Ornamental li'i.r or Field Fence Jusl re. : vr'l a cn;i 1o,k! irom iho factory, c Iron I'i-nccor On.amcnlal Whc i Cheaper than wood. 9 Front Laicn Gales or Drice Gales E Field Fence made from the High Carbon I Coil Wire The Latest -The Strongest jj! Fence Made. From 1 9c per rod up, at the Monumental Monu-mental Yard. Chas.West, "ffiF Whimping roiili in nut iltui)i.r,iiii. hIii'Ii tin- i'.iiikIi i k.j.l Iimim. mi, I .'- I tiirntii.il 1M11..V l.y KvllK t 'luiiiiln'r- In 111 ' Ciiiiuh lli-iiinly. It 1,i,h In-i'ii n.,',1 i uny ',i,l.'nii.' i.f tl,i ili-.'n-e with I pfrfi'i't kut-rcHN. Kur iilo by Juliu Hoy-,Vn Hoy-,Vn k 811 n. PERFUMES f Freh from the Manufcturer---In ihv Fol- D Ii wing Odor: Whitr. Re Nnr.n. Nylutit I. ill, l thr V.llny Pompadour llrlotropo Jock), Club Sprint Ul... Whit Lilac Carnation tVamipanni Wood Tiul.t Tkalma Crab Aapl. BloMom Hull, kulflr. Caihmara Bauquat Dartjilii Moll Rn.a (cur Sraaon Raaamond Hokohama Hut few stores offer such a large assortment of Odors to select from. John Boyden & Son "The Quality Store." j DAINTY CHOPS ' J I Dainty Chops cannot be cut out of poor 1 E lamb. We cut nothing but the finest j and heaviest beef to be had. jj A complete line to be found in a first-clas m Hi-he t. (j Our customer bear ut out in the tattmcnt. S Bagnell & Ball, Prof t. jj' FIT, WEAR, SATISFY, and Insure you against Corset Troubles TIin r-or't rtcnt charm of i ''f4: & V' womanly beauty is a Perfect . IfS : A riytrr, attained through wcar- :J ''.v j!,-r, Per feci C.rrtcl correctly n:y'J&('. ' '' fiucJ. ROYAL WORCESTER A;- ..,. ';', ' .'..,.., " ' Cvu-Gcri leauiify and i:r.pr:vc ; : '' :- ' .... j .1 t.'cry fiure, mouldinjj the form , ' j;r'.. ' -' unt;i assumes the faccful I'll VpMl '- '' V 7 a,"! yn:nic:rical linv; c? rhe j J v '' .!! t!i. ar.d r.jre is accom- j V itH"" i-: v'1 v'ilh casj '"nd fu,ly in 1 k 'III '''rfevlj''l' accord w:M the laws c '. h:u!th ar.d hygiene. U 'fiV !u hct l: HOYAL WOUCESTER h the A' ' f one MrJ Priced cortct that combines yy A,'li cver" lieal.h r.r.d fashion feature, and is the -v? (feV favorite of women everywhere. 1 PRICES $1.00 to $3.00 $ ROYAL WORCESTER Corsets arc Vie short cut to the fashion- able figure of the moment. Our corset icrc will show you. Try a pair to-day and banish all your corset troubles. - j I . 1 ! : Summit Furniture & Mer. Co. I i |