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Show WAR LIKENED UNTO BASEBALL Baron d'Eatournelle d Conatant Fa-vor Fa-vor Umpire to Settle International Interna-tional Olaputaa. Thnt dlapule between nation ahould be aettled by an umpire a dl pule between rival American baae-bull baae-bull teama are aettled, waa tho keynote key-note of an addreaa delivered by llaron d'KstounieJIea do Contt. the French etatraman. before the atudent of the : l Hlveralty of Mlnneaota the other day. llaron do Conatant apoke of the wuatefulneaa and deatructlveneaa of war. You have your great American baaehnll." the baron aald. "When you have troublea and dlapule you do not atart boxing with each other. Though aometlmea they alir.oat end In IIkIiIb aelf com ml and discipline prevull ami tho matter la aettl. d. Why not do the anme In war?" |