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Show CONNIE MACK FINDS EXCUSE Manaoer of World' Champion BUme Lotlng Streak to Too Many . Bridegroom on Team. Connie Mack to hla own anllafac Hon ban ascertained tho real reaaon for tho luring atreak of tho champion Alhletlea. It la the moat unique et-cuao et-cuao ever offered for Inning buaeball eamea, but Connie la absolutely honeat about It. I have tho heat team In tho world," aald Connie, "but tho trouble la that I bavo loo many bridegroom on It. My recently married men get on the field, their brldca alt In the graudatnnd and tho men are ao anxlnue to pleaae they Juat forget what they know of the gam. j "And the wnrat of It all," continued Connlo, "I. that I mm a bridegroom myaelf, ao what on earth am 1 going lo do about It?" |