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Show WILL ERECT IKODEL VILLAGE j Concrcti Houiei Planned by Lot Angelei Women for Accommodation Accommo-dation of Poor. (lli-t.irloi tn tint ilnhllsliment nf n niniliil vitiligo hy iinuihcrs of thu Frl-I Frl-I ii y Morning rluli prnli.ilily urn cleared away m far ui thu city coun-rll coun-rll Ii concerned. Thn plan of tho women contemplate! contem-plate! Ihe erection nf model concrete dwelling!, to be rented nt nnmlnnl I . prlcce to Ihn poor with a vlw to . bettering their cundltlun. . Tho pulillp welfare committee Ii In favor of leasing tho land ly Iiik mil of tho old Cathollo cemetory for tho purpnio, and I Inward Itohertson, deputy city attorney, la looking Into the matter of thn clty'a right In leaio land bulling tin to the muulolpnllly. It hai boon determined that the rlty Ii forbidden to give n Icaso to run morn thin ton yoara. Tho women Intcroitod In thn prospect look to have the ten-year lease with nn option op-tion of anntlier term. Ai loon aa. thn point whnthor tho rlty hai tho rlKlit 10 enter Into a contrai l of thli kind 11 nettled, a reiolutlon will bo drawn up authorizing; the council to enter Into the agreement. ' While the niembora of the public welfare committee are willing to grant the ronecniloni aaked, ai fur ai they porionnlly are concerned, they will have to abide by the limitation! of the charter, but believe that If Ihn olan pmvca lo be a am-i-eii there will never be any difficulty In obtaining a renewal of the lenie. I.oi Angelei Kxproii. |