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Show THE CONTEST It has come to a point where the workers are set I led down to work. The lime for talk and conjecture ia past. Kilher you candidates are ia to win. or you are lagging. If the latter is the case, the otiti-onie nf auch a candidacy would be plain to you. Nntiii.g sue 'eels like siiccesa and to be ajceea.fitl ymi must at Ihe same time be per. i. tent and confident In what you undertake. The feeling that ynu can wit if you wi.h. will il.t much to help yn In your work. A person with aufflelent confl dence can accomplish whatever he or she wiahea. As an eiample, ihe store ia told of the man who declared that he would wager a large anm against a .mailer one, by another, that lie could pn.s through the office of a big town building with a certain petltiisi and In luce nt men nut of every tea to aign if just by assurance he would exhibit ns he entered. 1'he wager waa made ami the petition bearer went through the i. frier. When he emerged, he showed i the waiting crowd the names of twenty men nut of twenty seven who had aigueil n petition to have thetnselvei hung fur not bsiking more closely to Ihe docu meiit presented. While this illttstratea the tendency of people to be alipshod In noting peti tinna and what they call for, the tale likewise i a good eiample nf the confidence con-fidence on the part of the pran who npproachea ynu will call forth. Thia same confidence, nerve to mtke financial finan-cial aucceaaea.out of men wbaajtart lift with nothing more tbaa a jl k knife and an apple core. Hat com lence In yourself. You have the beat prnpoal-tion prnpoal-tion going that ha gun you: way for a long time. Kllan Morbr ntono Ism Haherta urn alia HallilKlrr sWAO txirsey llolwrla I avnu Mra I'harlea Averlll i . Ilaan Vera ItiifTman .. lul I ..la mocluian IUM Jrena Iteititeu . . . Ilseu Hilda remlej iman Mra. II. H. Toons aw) MvrtleHleiihena (110 Mra. Frank HufTuiaa wnu Aiiularairuth ! I.emi raliterwiHsl THO l.lxls I'lark Tm Oual Paruswnrth Mra Tnelma llnrtli'jr atTt Mrs fin's. Mallil t)ao Hnoilal'oui'li 471 Mra J N Jensen Macll Knhlololi. Ma Hi an.' I nil Mra Joseph Allen .. .... ! Mrs I. M I'lark ta) Mrs (l.ii.ir I Inft tTT.l Peatl Kiililnson una ll'lia Iii.IiIii.iiii tu tls. Ilia IJii.l.-rl.lll , iv Mi. lienrae J il. 1.1 .. a MlilB lliptaill tm ll sjellli'Keltr tell Mrs. Ml.-rl Mill. ... tWI I'liiillne Kl elieli ... 1u Mrs I'la-iile Vt'llllaios tail Mrs ll.om.' K"es Jell llaiel lliulln .. tm Vera I'i'iiilleloii two Mrs k H. Illasou tat) Pill. a lllslli taU) Mia Kiank Marekiiut. Jr aua Mis RiI Hlale; tad Mia John Jai-ksnn aul Krnilnie Tailor ,,. lav Mrs Jotin tuijiar xaio ttella Weaver M taal ra.il r"ailities tiou Aila Maisliall . fino jl'laial'eleraon tiro , Mra. Alma Ultitsous fim I'ailtelvall go) lanelts Tswaart jajo Tlllle Bnyer m Kmiice ttuiaiiMin auo Mrs llenre Wiieatou B trill Mis H K Nnrlll.ntt aul Mra W H Jolinsl Mrs ' H. Il..lrll aiu Mra (Mamie Hlltltll . tu Mrs Nslilil nailer .. ) Mil. Hay Isrinln tuni Mrl llertiert CrUlenilen . . ... tuD IMara Wlntsri , m Tlmi Mi'Mli-liaal jm Haial rilonatirakar auno Aila Itoiul ..... , mno I'll. Ulna Jones " (ru) Mrs Tlioiuas Hmtto am Mrs James Maiwell as) Mrs t'lrite Keysa anno Uarnel Kocera y-jo llortsa.s ttksad iao |