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Show I fl11'1 fytfflllly - -- - - THE COA V to mention tbe girl at the lioint ot William Z Terry in our Must Sin1 arriv'd! on tbe i!0tb ami all once! mil (bung meelv. Nutn'liu ar'i.ai w ot :t f.nU'il wttt t it Exercises Iti-h- iuJ Mentioned Merely We understand tbnt Fnneipal C. A. lute lias been engaged to teach at the school Summit, stake Ve.tdemy next tear. Hi t.Ais the fditee made va who leant by William II Manning, leaves shortlv on a mission to Germany. t Little Things Heard Here and There About You and Visits and Our Visiters. 1 Our Jurors for I w j Prsia F O. Marehant, K. W. Maxwell. JurieTerm for the w i in the I'oahille during e k vi-i'- e-i , di 1 PERFUMES Fresh from the Manufacturer lkwing Odors; Nygracia Nyloti Lilly of the Valley. e Helotrop Jocky Club Whit Lilac Carnation Spring Lilies Wood Tiolet Thelma Frangipanni Crab Applo Bloaaom .Fluffy Ruffle Caebmora Bauquet Mots Rote Four Seaton Dactylis Raaaaond Hokobama i But few stores offer such a large assortment sof Odors DAINTY CHOPS Dainty Chops cannot be cut out of poor. lamb. We cut nothing but tbe finest and heaviest beef to be bad. j Jf, t a A complete line to be found in a s market. Our customers bear us out in the statement first-clas- ,' 1 I have a well watered pasture on friends. Mrs. Stella AVatens of Salt Lake and Mrs. Sutton of Park City were guest B. of Park L. City at the home of Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Wight Attorney wps in the county seat last Saturday on Beech on Decoration dav. high ground and well fenced, suitable for pasturing rams or sheep. Can accommodate 50 or 60 head, if business. , application is made at once. Su& lliytmon, Hoytxviile, Utah. . meet next The county commissioner Mrs. Bax id Moore of Castle Rock Monday in regular monthly meeting. Notices have been posted that the was in the comity eot the forepart of They' mil also sit as a board of eipiah and place of registration of the time the week. ' zatioli during the torepyt of the wetk. ipialitied electors, prior to thdJiquor MiMabelle Robinson. lYu uierly uf elect'onLto he held on the 27th day The jury list drown fw term of court will be fojmd m another this city, graduated as a nurse from of June. 1911, will le between the the L. I) S. hospital last week. She hours of 8 oclock a m. and 9 part of this paper. was one of a class of ten that gradu o'clock p. tn. on Tuesday, the 6tb If we are going to celebrate tbe 4th ated. and Friday the 21rd days of June. ' of .lull heie tms year it is about time 1911. Mrs. M. A. Hartley fs regis- Tkc.e weae a good many people here j tralion something was doing. district No. 19, and aR(,m fbt Jto spend Deeoratiuu il.iv, coming from NoriKh Mr ftf ..7 iUJ of the state and also surround Parhih Park Addie Jinaon. Pearl Wabel from Quality nt T,t to select John Boyden & Son The Store." fclHih-dow- Hall-strom- In the Fo- Whit Roa Pompedour , nre Wanship Joshua Bates. helm Nephi Riehins. s lira til tile Dcming. . Janies A. Woolsteuliulme. I. ity Henry Hughes, Daniel baric DaTilberg, Samuel Dax-ids8 McFarhiiie. L T. Covey,. Joseph fnnt her, D W, Wilde, Georglf W. HonanifNlojiii 1. Kelley, George F Reejling, David E. .SojScott, ourns, Henry Parc.' 1. mmn a plant-has-be- ! and SUMMIT-MEAT- Ca Bagnell & Balk Prof s. r - 5-- the-Ju- ue -. fr -- Julius Fiankle .ot Park City was a parts in the county seat the mg states, to fittingly remember their business dead here in the eitv cemetery. forepart of the week. xi-ji- or Horace S. Ensign, Secretary of the Utah State Fair, will meet with JUST RECEIVED - A New -- 46 S3 1O 1-tE- o Lihef Hats Salnion a!! Sglram FIT, WEAR , SATISFY, and Insure you against Corset Troubles most potent charm of womanly beauty is a Perfect Figure attained through wearing a Perfect Corset correctly THE uueJkhT9, llljjie ( ,ouit House at 1 tliO oclock p. m. Mr. Ensign has agreed to giv us all the assistance he can to help n timid up our fait and make it a success. All that are interealed 111 tlm d x elopment of our county and sri Special Piices on J Board of Directors and Supervisors of the Summit County Fair wii!in.wpm-imiis- iuit encouraging the various industries are eot'Maly invited to meet w ith ns MILLINERY fitted. ROYAL WORCESTER Corsets, beautify and improve the form Wine ( I Hiniier Medicine Cii Duo - Blink, hhilt Lake City, fur a am tin .i giiariiutei d Dyspepsia Tab 'jd'-n- t No ure, mi pay i just what ,lef ue Heim when we .ty we gua.ii.tet tli-st ildcts Write their b.r advice. Suld exciiisivily and guar an teed by Juhn B.iyden A (sHp. I lev- ply-uT.- graceful and symmetrical JinesTo? the tn ! toiC (43 FenceMade. From 1 9c per rod up, at the Monumental Yard. - - All this and more is accom-plishe- d with ease and fully in accord with the laws cf health and hygiene. In fact tuo. P.OIAL WORCESTER is the He Could Comprehend. "The children tfeed something new every wih. Van have no children Slime 10tcan't understand "I un f 'r.d, old chap, I have an abto--! i Cheaper tharLvyood." Front LaWn Gates or Drive Gates Field Fence made from the High Carbon Coil Wire Tifie Latest The Strongest V ideal. j Iron Ornamental Wire or Field Fence Just received a caa load from the factory. Iron Fence or Ornamental Wire dr mo Be " one Med':: in Priced corset that combines.' every health end fashion feature, and is the favorite of women everywhere. Dr. F. J. Alexander, Optometrist, will bd at the Weber Dote! Satur day, June 10th from' 9 a. rn. until 7 p. m; All those having Any trouble whatever with theljL.eye should not fail : to call,. . . Whooping eongh is not dangerous kept loose and expectoration easy by giving Chamber-laiCough Remedy. It baa been nsed in many epidemics of this disease with perfecTsuecess. For sale by Jobn Boy-dewhen tbe cough is Chas. West, Hoytsville, Utah. n n ft Son. l. The folk. wing - the jury list iftnw n for the June term of the District CoiiifK 'ade graduates, who eight in this count v, wire In Id m "t Summit eo'iiity. Utah dtploti Cii.ilv tile - W lllu.oi 11 Beeeli, Herbert the D theatre, Park Cm Moiid.n. Prank Rijijion. Datuel Sommei M.irtou, lie i at jrt following program w.i ir William f Johnston, William Welsh, ried ot W ilium Piost, Jom jh H B.n her. John Music High S. hool ( r best ra ' arruth. I mead Lew i Bishop lx ciijs Edward Dillon Add re1 f ekoine Slip! I 1. Mdltlli Hem ter C 11 Andirs.m If Chambers' Cold Tabletsdon t ear Whit Rpspoas Frineiji.il (' Hoy tsi die Heber Bireh, Enoch .1 you of colds and La Grippe yoitneedf Mir Bella Mol .mnu Vocal B(J Blown. Jolm Gunn. not pay us a cent. John Boyden L Ri Addreta Prot I Irs, oi Ri.ui Preseutti ion of class Mr. Ethel R l.ewi Presenti ton of certificates Last week lie arrested a Greek Mr i.tid Mrs. John Iashott ot llene lor in Kc no tuny on ereek, and fishing w if ft their John frlii r ap from llgtleiL .the daughter, Mrs. ' he l.iwbn.iker was taken betoreJlidgv week. F Malm, last Saturdax. forepart of the liu bias and fined 41 no. You're all i iglit, m judge Mis Sarah Wright of Morgan in Mr- - .1 ti tspnggs lias moed to Park ituig her parent here City, aiul will resole there in the ft A shower was tendered Miss Arte-misSuperintendent ( V (opir ture. Mr Spriggs is employed at Paik H igletfebool III chest ra l.leak at the home of President Judge Kay Brnt was ia Coalvi'le last RuW. Muses on Tailor Monday night. Katurdav on business. Mor Mrs Yiick and children of GRADUATES. mor ha it that the recipient and one gan were gnets at the home of Mr. f' The will graduate from lowing Park were Mr. and Mrs. V. S. Bedell and M rs C. S. Bedell on Decoration of our prominent lumber men in this Park Cit h Noel I Mary Abbey, wed be Phillips, leinitv mouth. will If this i Suudat. last visitors City dav. homas, 'Nellie ONeil, George, y on don't belieie ask Teddy. rank Corrigan, 7lhnm Whit Robert Young of Wanship was a coun Two Salvation Army men held a Blanche McFarlune, last isitor. seat Tbomp Monday. S. B. Brand of Park City was ty street tmeting in tin city last Monday ias Birbeck. William Black a of considerable seat visitor county night, attracting Tuesday. a Thompson, Catherine Tow A. D W'albuKl Kama? was a coun- crowd. ie last Kate visitor Dunbar, seat Cloonan. Marjt ey, Saturday. is Mrs. of ty Woodtnansee, Ogden, The fir-- t tax notices haie been sent visiting her daughter, Mrs. W. It toria Fifter, Harry Kaddoti. Florence The City will meet in regular month MeCarty-lonMarrnant. Mildred Kon ' out. and the man with a kick against Emmett. Ura Lawrence, Philip Hall. Olive old, y meeting next Monday night. the high taxation will soon be on the Mr. and Mrs. TV. C. Nielsen and Allen; N a Reynolds and Jean Bennie. now. r. and Mrs. W. L. Hansen of Salt job CualvH Leonard Willoughby, Wes babe, are visining herjm rents, Mr. Lake City are tislting in this city. ley BaMill, Bayard Taibu. Warreu Elder Lawrence Stones is expected and Mrs. Daniel Sommers. Salmon, Vlex Gilchrist, t.lmlys Wilde, home any day now. W ord has been Mr. and Mrs. 1. Y. Bullock spent the erection WAN Bids for the rEI) Joha Fwon, Basel Wnglit, David on lie be released would recened that of the Marion Meeting House. For Wilde, illhel Arnold, forepart of the week in Salt Lake. Lyda Deniing, Mav 29. details apply to Seth C. Jones. Mar Ethel J'fton, Enid Ruff. Cora Hop of Bowen hn Roy Miss Kiel and J, kins, Ji l Johnson, Verna Fewks, Ver Mr and Mrs, Albeit Powell haie re ion. Utah. nette Y .limns, Florence Taggart and spent the forepart of the week here. turned from Ilntali. Wilier county, Law rente Ball came up from the Eunice! vjderwood. wlieie Mr Powell was the piineipui of slide today and reports that the Mrs. George Kngland and ehildren of the school Henef Ethel and Florence Beard. en tt are visiting relative here Sunny-sid- e for HoyB- - iSe Leo Wooley,- - Bi'roti Win mar a issued two Hixson months. Clerk tern, KhiGunn, Mabel Sargent, lven County M iss Teresa Wheadon of Morgan is license on Monday to John Crittend. y, rage Postoftlce inspector F. T. Frawley and Miss Jenett Lynn guest at the home of O. V. French. 'Echov'&th Toone, F. T. Wilson and in the city Tuesday checking was Kamas. both of Pack, Stanley T,lon. Rose McBride and Mis Lizzie Mr up the the business at the postofUce. Kanmf -- Thomas Parry, Eva Benson. ark 'it v visit irs la- -t Sun Clark lleeoration flay was obsened here in H sopor! ed finding everything in Lilletb iternurd Lambert, Virgil dav. a fitting manner at the cemetery. Most excellent shape. F h Paek, Madeline McCor-thiek- , King, v of the gTaies were strewn with flow-erBines. Mrs. Comer Thomas was operated v of babe and wife Flc'ehcr. Og Oaki Cecil by their loved ones. Joseph William Peterson, on at the St. Marks hospital yester- Fran sao. eona den are spending a few days in the Louder, Lillie from Most of The graduates returned rl Franson, Clara English, day. The operation was not of a eity. park City ot Tuesday morning, having very serious nature. and the patient Clnrem Frazier, Carl Horton, Falj- rainif i J infimwi tii d K- 1 f Evanston spent the week here with ed royally by the people of Park City. Waalp Joseph Bate. w Ct&M-dal- , cement Com ) Fish ami Game Comui.ssianer William A. L. PRICES $1.00 to $3.00 ROYAL WORCESTER Corsets areWe short cut to the fashion able figure of the moment. Our corsetiere mil' show you. and banish all your corset troubles Try a pair to-d- uy ritpJPJS'f - |