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Show PRACTICAL WOOL RECEPTACLE ., ATTRACTIVE IN APPEARANCE j?? Detnlla Given Hrrewlih for Cnnntructton of Inexpenniv n ' for Pricking Fleec So Thill None of IHntk Ends Will i,', Show rind Keep 11 Hrgulnr nnil Compact .' , Any Farmer Cnn Maki On. v I 3C J J S r 1 I f f'-. f e JCD ti - A :n0 th; J C D E ' e B k Open V 1. J Closed A Wo I Bea. Ther are aeveral kind! of wool boiea used by grower In tying up Meece wools, but th following shows a cheap, practical box that rao be easily eas-ily mada by any fanner who aa ua a law, square and acrewdrlver, write llosro Wood lo tb llreedera' (la-sette. (la-sette. Take three 1-lnrh board a two feet long anl one foot wide, clear pine, or. what la belter, oak or walnut; they hould be planed and amooihed so thai Ihey are about seven eighths Inch thick and It Inrhea wide. Haw on of these boards Into three pierce, one, D, 1214 Inrhea king, the oilier two. V. and V., II Inrhea long. Kiislrn each of the shorter pieces to each end of the piece II with atrtnig Iron binges, which should be set Into the board ao that when opened (be boards He close together. Then on the sides of ihe piece I) fasten the J foot pieces. A and II. one on each aide, In like manner, placing these hlngea to tint those four boards will raise aud form a box. open on the top. Here one can He the Meece, with the piece D forming the bottom and Ihe 01 hers the side Notches can be rut In tbe outside edges of these boards lo hold Hie Irlngs. Cut on the Meec the shorn side on the open box, raise Ihe sides A and II and hold together with pieces l, , 1 by 2 Inches, about 17 Inrhea long, notched on each end ao aa to hold these sides, at a width equal lo that of the end pieces O and K. Then ralae the end plerea C and E to an upright position, and let Ihem b held lo plan bv a heavy aleel spring set lo 00 rack lid oo A and B, al plar ao that C and K will b held at right angl to Ik bottom, I). Thee spring - should be about t Inrhea wide, and let Inlo lha board about I Inrhe from Ihe top edge, and aet far enough Into th board ao that In limiting tb ndl these springs will press down level with tbe fare of th board and after Ihe enda have passed lha springs they will spring out about threefourthe Inch and Ihua hold lha and. Thee aprlngi nn be lerured at any blacksmith's black-smith's and tan be faslenrd Into tb board with screws. With such a box fleeces run be dun up so that practically nn black uride of Hie Meece allow, and at the same time the Meece la regular and compart. A Utile rxtrn rnrn used I" thus tying Meece wools Is limn well ipent, for such Meecei picseni an attractive appearance ap-pearance Unit appeals In the buyer. |