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Show l lM ATKI.I.ii, ll'A , May 2! cere tarv William Wallin of tin Inter M. ,',,!, I, I It. .ads A....ci.4n. the .ei-oi.d annual r.,..w n of wrlili will be held in this cit.r .lune 2t -Jf ia in rereipt of advices from t'nitc ntatea S. nalor lloruh of Washington, lounc 1 ing that the bureau of public da In Ihe depa'tment nf agi ieiilliire te nr ranged to lime a g -ol road- e-rt in a"eiid.nc upon the I'ocslelli, nnveii lion. Hemitor llorab himself anil be proem if congress ad looms i time. "Tot r W. I.. I'arlyle, dean aid di rector nf the college of agrieullire and eaperiiiient station at the I'ni-snity nf Idaho, has accepted an Invitatiai to be present and deliver an address el good The contention will ha attend e. by at lea.t n thou.aml nelegtua rrnm ihe sn iiiterw niiilain atatea tf Idiiho, I lull, Mi.ni. urn, Wyoming, Netwla and r dorado A fenture will be ajioniire Ii.-i,-im- lii Lit nf rond makingliiai-liin ,-ry. over a re nf the leadial manu faeturers hliviug applied for l ace in the cihil.it building j |