Show daili jolln june ac I WIRE CHIPS A burglary has been iu i the old balaco at stuttgart the great fire in Titi mille has spent itsell and the city is quiet the death roll of the long island sound disaster number 39 persons five families in dublin evicted yesterday were reinstated by a lare crowd today to day abe chinese embassy at berlin denies all knowledge of war preparations in china the independent republicans of new york have endorsed the chicago nominations at the fifth avenue hotel at new york an artesian well is down 1108 feet and still going the tennessee democrate demo crata in convention at memphis II 11 D morey for congress one thousand three hundred and forty from europe land od in new york yesterday yesterday sir john arnott entertained the american rifle team at his residence in cork ireland one hundred and eight deaths were reported in now york from noon of the to jooa on the the total scores in the international rifle match nt edinburg Edin burs are england 1733 scotland 1700 ireland lo 10 jl when the chiliano Chi lians took arica they also captured the garrison and sank the peruvian corvette manco capac the prussian government intends to cling to the church bill until confronted with its official rejection by either house of the parliament the brooklyn N Y city directory contains 2835 names more than last year and indicates the population of the town to be over |