Show NATIONAL conventions the seventh national convention of the republican party held in cago from to june etli will long be memorable for its obstinate cont sits its long duration the airet republican national bouy ven lion which met juno 17 adjourned june 10 fremona was nominated on tho first ballot tha second republican national convention met att hay and adjourned may 18 lincoln was nominated on the third ballot the third convention held in baltimore yas cesido pe sido ex gov arnor teunison Pe unison of ohio and pd in session two days inc blu was nominated on the first ballot the fourth convention met in chicago may remained ta te sion two days giving grant unanimous vote on the first ballot the fifth convention which met at Ph ladelphia june 1872 waa in two jays agam giving grant a unanimous vote on ak sixth convention met at cincinnati june 17 hancs was nominated on th seventh ballot four cf tb of 1804 wa and WO there was little or no content as to ahe candidate and in none of them were there bucl struggles over preliminary M have ake place ji the seventh 01 ta whig convention of II arrison was on act ballot in thiet of henry clay was nominate by acclamation in that of taylor was nominated nomina on the ballot in hat of 1852 fia HIP lefly thial attl lol the longest ever hid by a democratic convention wa in polk was nominated on ahn ninth ballot in the convention of 1848 casa was nominated on the fourth ballot in that of wf pierce waa nominated on the forty ballot in 1850 buchanan Hu chanan WM nominated on tle ballot in the charleston convention divided on tho platform T 1808 seymour wa on the twenty second ballot in greeley wa nomina teil on the second balat this glanco at the national convention held in chii country during tho jagt forty petra shows that the last convention was the longet not reaching the highest number of ballots are in active pro iresa for ahe forthcoming benefit for the two brass bands city |