Show the dvork elder W C stained Sta inea tho church immigration agent who lias recently arrived in new york city was interviewed ter viewed by a reporter of tho world ho birst gave him to understand that notwithstanding secretary ev ara anti mormon circular to alie Euro alip monc benl this country of european latter day saints was booro active than ever I expect bald he that the ar revala this season will bo larger than for many year past aur church authorities cent abroad early this additional missionaries who will not return ov two we have now in england scandinavia germany switzerland and bolland Jo lland aboud one hundred propagandists ts of our i jitni baya loft utah for purpose of making converts conver ls in europe they are assisted by several hundred local elders alio aro commissioned as auch in every corroon roon gain the slightest very few of abo mcw comora arafet WS i utah its boat lanias ao all and aro held at higher pi ice than tho immigrants can pay aro therefore abent from stilt lake caty to arizona colorado and montana who select landa for the inc omera at salt lake they are formed into new par lii anil taken to their auturo futuro homes contribution ift alho immigration fund aggregating large sums are turned into tho general treasury in salt lake city ond by telegraph tg staines pip mh val of tho there to be as their ie fuire he ha paid tho chiou company in ono check for the transportation of one large jurtti with their sll ecta tun of tho U A N 11 it is quiet tharo are dilca pilca of freight there waiting for delivery aa teara etc v |