Show mutual eu I following a brief account of the conference of the west weber Ki verdale and hooper mutual improvement associations hed in this city on the etli dinst ane attendance was large there were present president JOB A west and E M anderson and others of the central beahl everal presidents and bembera of other associations also councilor C T of ogden jude smith of Farmington and some tan bi after the opening aises prest jos A west d that the holding of conferences in the banou yin to the prosperity 01 the association as it would naturally stir up the to renewed diligence the four associations in tins circuit number gome sao the west weber and hooper association reported omo read since ference at ogden the forenoon cerecies cies consisted by jos A west elder Bingham Wm fife G II 11 ballain Bal liin tyne john wilson and john the reading of tho hooper city ad a diaper published by the association of city in the afternoon a leller from beanan efio i now on a mission in Tennes seeto his aither fi ther arg road to the meeting many homo missionaries were appointed and unanimously sustained irest jos A boat gave a very interesting account trap riat relating ul importance which came under his observation during his travels to and from the capital the speaker eulogized the hooper association and the publication of their manuscript po and the manner in which it was conducted as well as the matter which it con bained the assembly returned a vote of thanks to edwin and hia choir for their services n harmony for the occasion conference then adjourned to meet at west weber three from elate of respectfully ac cm june ac |