Show from wednesdays daily june in last abight small army of musicians who were playing for the party feeling pretty hungry at recess mado such overtures to the management as 10 prevail on the to send the aforesaid muar ceans to a certain well appointed eating house on fifth street kept by father SI y the boys who should hare gone with the committee concluding that a small would bo the proper thing upon which to rest the anticipated supper mado all speed to the establishment of a vender of iho spirituous and after partaking of a decoction started for supper in tho meantime the carlies alio were to make the arrangements for the feed had waited upon the proprietor of tho house partaking of a hearty repast leaving however without making the necessary arrangements range ments for the band supper soon after the musicians appeared cleared the tables of the edibles and on the eve of leaving when father M gently intimated that abo necessary colta tenil had not been produced then the dilemma burst upon the bewildered orchestra no arrangements had been made and tharo was not a red cent in the crowd upon tho suggestion of the leader tho entire party was taken in pawn hy father M and they settled themselves down to developments the host taking in the joke and standing over them with a shotgun metaphorically ins some of the manager appeared thor a ene in a great tion the fear being entertained that tho land had deserted but upon the affair being represented tho bill was paid tho orchestra let out from their easy durance dura ace and they were led back in triumph to alie dance and today to day whew the word pawn is mentioned to AI or the old gentleman who bad hiim and his colleagues in charge a quiet but dignified neither of them desires to huep the thing quiet |