Show junction june 17 of tie female pvc of acler county tho congregation was called to or at 10 a m by president jane Kichar Js it was opened by singing and prayer ahe minutes of the last conference were then read by the secretary and adopted dent D II 11 peery took occasion to espre his fullest satisfaction arth the report which lie declared to be the best ever presented in this stake he also vry highly of the woman exponent counseling all the sister to support this good finn fy journal apostle C C alich then took tho stand he spoke upon the of doing good and said we never fot all the done that inight b lone there was always something left to be done we all hould feel honored and blessed by the opportunity offered to us of helping to build up the kingdom of god we could do a great deal of good by governing all our act and words wo should earnestly study liow to bring about the millennium when no one did wrong no wrong would be done lie himself was always improving at least ho hoped and tried to do BO it was the aado with the sisters upon them was resting the responsibility of raising up the children and teaching them the principles of the gospel he was much pleased with the good work accomplished by the sisters the morn opposition we had the more eager and vigilant we boucht to be in withstanding the outward pressure both spiritually anil temporally sister E R snow next addressed the meeting she sand that if the sisters would lift their hearts in prayer to god she had no fear of saying anything that would be hurtful we were too apt to get drowsy and should always be adako to the fullness of our holy duties she then took up alie parable of the woman and the unjust judge spoken of by christ after this she pointed out tho necessity of administering to the sick in the way out by revelation until they restored to health and well being she hail visited the association at big cottonwood and had learned there that the primary associations were accomplishing a great amount of rood tho mother of israel should nealise realise this important fact something greatly needed was ft hymn book for tho young and sho was occupied in getting up one for this purpose tle books would be sold at cents per copy as she did all jerown work free in the interest of ohp thu the books could be sold at cost we should have prophets and prophetesses prophet esses among our young the fear of disease was the greatest danger of contagion existing aster snow had so seen the young at bear lake and had been highly pleased by their innocent ana primitive dress which was far superior to the expensive fashionable follies of the gentile world we should be prepared for the troubles comier an get the fullness af pf the spirit py dag ane meetings where he ip servants of the almighty poured out the words of life after a few closing by president jane richards the congregation sang lord dismiss us with thy blessing and was adjourned till p m after prayer by counselor C F middleton |