Show CONGRESS bj W V to th SENATE june 10 jones of I florida chairman of the committee I on naval acain reported with an amendment his jonic reo luton in the secretary of the navy to take the necessary necess rry steps to secure adequate naval stations and harbors for the use of the naval forces of the united states at proper points on the atlantic and pacific coasts cen aral america and the american isthmus he asked presen I consideration era tion cockrell objected to a measure declaring the policy of this government in an international question being brought in in the last two and a half hours of the session and the resolution was placed on the calendar anthony attempted to get up the presidents veto message for action but the senate voted to go into executive session first and after that they considered tho house bills on the calendar despite anthonys protest that it was a discourteous treatment of the message the vole to consider the calendar was carried by a party vote except that bland booth and hill voted yea and farley nay three or four house bills feere then passed the senate confirmed col drum adjutant general also the following otto mears of colorado john B bowman of kentucky alfred B Meacham of washington D C geo W of columbus ohio john J li of iowa commissioners to ratify the agreement with tha ute indians jacob of louisiana to be coiner of the united states at new orleans la on motion of logon the hour bill was taken up withers objected and it was tabled on motion of blaine the house resolution to give its annual employees one months extra pay was amended to include the senate employers and then tabled to avoid an action on Big lers motion da signed to kill it to make U include all employees of the gov erdmen t the usual complimentary resolutions were passed on motion the barley malt bill was taken up and he refused to give way for consideration ot the presidents message thurman saw no cons titu dional objection to the consideration of the veto message in next session it would be a little late but there was not time now after executive session the doors were opened and at noon the senate very quietly adjourned jour ned there was a great clamor for recognition in front of the speakers desk A motion to proceed to the speakers table was rejected with to 71 wednesdays session then be gun carlisle reported from the committee on the donnelly wash burn bribery case it was ordered printed and re committed carlisle tad the had unanimously decided that the anonymous letter bad boon written and bent by H IL finley as to the other points there were disagreements in the committee manning aked whether committee had reached any conclusion touching adon nellya connection with the letter if not he would submit toe report of the committed tea on elections car lisle said tho majority had not concluded that donnelly had any con at all carlisle said be was somewhat embarrassed in answering but be answered baker in the negative manning staid that with that vindication of donnelly he submitted liu report i signed by five democratic members of the committee on elections giving the seat to donnelly phister concurred ia believing washburne Tash burne not entitled to the beat but dissented from the conclusion conc lution that donnelly was kaifer submitted another report from tb committee on elections declaring Wash bunio entitled to the seaf seven the fifteen of the committee agreed to this and ten concurred in believing donnelly not entitled alie reports were ordered printed A notification being received from the president that ho had no further there was a recognition bolh homes adjourned at noor sin i all the regular annual bills were signed by abo president in time to announce their approval before the hour of adjournment and consequently all decomo laws A num her of nominations failed to receive action and espiro l at aba close of i the demion among them that of john P as collector of customs for philadelphia |