Show scientific the moon was once a region of intense activity is is clearly hown by the vast volcanic crater covering ita surface but it has long been that all channel in iti form due to cooling from a molten mass ceased ages ago leaving our satellite a cold world observations vat ions however black crater over aliree emilei in di winch wa never seen prior to As many very minute fea durei in the saine were m ippel by careful observed before that time it can hardly be that hie large in object cold havo escaped bolk e alie conclusion is therefore drawn that the crater waa formed during the and thi wo ild beem to indicate that the moons internal fires are not yet completely extinguished and it u possible that day we may witness the interesting spectacle of an active lunar volcano been dincov fred in switzerland which the absence of metal ornaments and other indications are supposed to belong to an ago prior 10 that of bronze dr schmidt has proven by luent eliat sponges may bo grown artificially A pouge is cut into mail pieces attro fastened lo 10 a pile and immersed in the sea where they rapidly grow into perfect sponges the yf tern has been adopted by the austrian government and i being carried out on alio dalmatian coast attention has been called to alie existence of large apiaries indik crowded of paris froni sugar refineries in alio vicinity the bes secure an abundant upp lyo sweets making the hives a profitable invest ment to their owners A correspondent of a U journal records an instance of the self poisoning of a anake tho reptile being to the ground by a instantly buried its fangs in its own body I around the stick quickly relaxed and in loss than three minutes alio inako vas v as dead from the of its botn vo biorn drs de sa itne and muller have alie height at which llie aurora borealis bo realia has it greatest brilliancy to be abent 38 miles when it should be visible to a distance di stanco of COO miles at height of 81 miles the light will be pale and faint and at the farthi surface no elt otrio discharge can take place to produce tho phenomenon they conclude that alio aurora may occur at times at an altitude of a few and feet german manufacturers have found another for paper they make stoves of that mateal in which alio iro blazes cheerfully the slightest injury to the paper enclosing it the to alt ii it newly dincov erad fossil sin ly a doen trees have bee i bome or them over two feet m diameter near their bools are numerous or farns and planta ii h what the ireba belong to the ure no atul has near theli amazed the other day al growth of a eunpu a botanist botan int that it lad developed cells in one day or ali i ceila a prof gray however x ites an where a century pl int formed cell in twenty four hours or ft second it is estimated that 70 coara anil will be re to coin floto the excavations at pompeii according to ej theory aliat we call liast is ain pro laced upon tho reina motion of of matter tho lengths of these undulations havo awn ceasur me asur and it is shown that IS havea ol 01 red light or wavea of violent end toen daro required to make a anlo ich fraai the of light it hs been proved that more than gillium of millions wave low into the eye athe retina in each second of time i tho anisun the world ia of ediin filin ereal garden come most of the wild beasts exhibited in this country ilia collectors are mainly young zoological students or trained huntera and they for him the animagi of afterward appear in greatest shows on earth A fc eruption erupt ibn wan corrca it lasted about an lour producing much agitation of the ba tho air became charged with vapor au ou rive feet in a and inches thick with a control biolo eleven in ahw in was left in M lish liard y ill a ibert treo prout fl fraim tho earth at tha of clift hole and gradually in it afrin year to year in ly t vim found that ohp lew had completely filled lh a frow iff buru wu ru n A gir dij maiki biava of laity had a grow it conviction that the development sf parasites upon the wc t Af fi plin ifa alro lla illi alad UC U C iuli iu li A tm lil il iti ti tiar Kr hino icily ti wool clr be A a new york gioi repudiation of stale on iby of interest int erett ali n due and for many years unpaid al apportioned a among tha vardoui Alaba oia arkan georgia loui aliina carolina south carolina tennes aee Virgi nii minnesota it will bi that almost all of elih amount conie from capota ia pota being the on northern tate thus fir that ha adopted this beani of of |