Show A CAUTION J alfew words in to trains cho recent fatal accident which arrel in the C P yard alouida aLo a aution to parents living in tha vi railroad lines to loofe af er their children and BO that ali y are kept out of the way of anini y t a day passes but several children ca i bo been jumping tr ins being switched around the dc ot yard andt ia time that loiue ali ng was clone to check thu dan ge couii practice it cannot bo p sted tha me n ahila ex cd sn their ingae duties can at all dinki tinki youngsters and eign thay dd tho cb ahles would bo if arain in motion could norba ped in time to a child stop from over inthe event of a falan on iw part tho men engaged about the yard haye neb to attend o that will col admit of of time connections having to la facade and made up to out on hitoe etc and in view of uie fact that bat very few accidents have whoa the risk taken daily by many venturesome children are great it is plain to ie seen that alie men engaged the depot are iu caution as cir around cuci permit pointon this head bian parents are in the habit ef their little onca to the depot to pick up the coal that drops from the alt cirs and time and ainoo again haye we mere infants diye under ear in quest of tho carbona ceon product and at the bame engine being all ached to the it ady to start train any minute abw business should be stopped and if persisted in an example he mada or of the older should ba I h a tt he dangerous ones practice speedily put an end to maybe |