Show GENERAL NEWS br W U t ali templar SAN feancisco june 11 the committee on transportation of the knight templar of tho pacific coast adopted a resolution to go to tle grinj encampment of abo order at chicago in august next they will number about five huni dred they will travel via chicago burlington and quincy railroad mitten la june 14 the leadville situation remains unchanged excepting that the governor in rca pone to a telegram signed by leadville Lt adville citizens of loth political parties sent a declaring martial law kiili major gen I J cook in command excitement is till intense and strong fears of violence are still entertained pa juno 14 at a harrol tank at titus ville belonging to the acme works exploded terrible force endangering the lower part of the city tho wind changed unfavorably three oilier tanks of huge proper danger of taking fire the firemen have been on duty hours and are so thoroughly fatigued they have left the ground and citizens have taken their places town is again in as great peril as at any time since the commencement of the fire the night is lighted up with the brilliancy of daiy diy by the blazing tanks great excitement prevails the heat is so intense and the smoke so dense that men can not go into the burned sections LATER the fire at titusville Titus ville is under control A tank made an overflow at this morning and i desperate struggle followed but the flames acro finally subdued the total loss aggregated the losses arc acme oil company with stills refined oil etc keystone pickering chambers with stills tanks and oil Tid eoute titusville Titus ville pipe line five tints and oil david emery tank and oil pittsburg titusville Titus ville sc buffalo railroad bridge tewo franklin perry street and about thirty dwellings and buildings the insurance is comparatively noth mg dadlani june 14 the yew special irom fort davis says mills arrive yesterday brorn ysleta with a detachment of pueblo scouts he reports having discovered a fresh indian trail which he followed until night and then camped on the vi job at daylight on the alth the camp was attacked by the hos tiles anil the old guide was killed the indians were flanked and routed with a detachment of troops is now following up the trail attil yew june 14 mary dean a young colored woman airing in a tenement houa en west twenty sixth street who had deserted her husband waa brutally murdered tonight by her paramour augustus lytton who cut her throat from ear to ear to crp june 15 th telegraph company reports that alie heavy rains n the northwest have prostrated the wires ad flooded the country all i the st paul wires are down there was snow in minnesota Minne eota yesterday the weather is coll and raw today to day damage was done to the crops throughout the whole northwest another june 15 the anchoria and the queen were in collision in a fog off bandy daok on june hatli were serf giuly damaged the anchoria is still outside out eide with twenty eight feet of water ia the hold wailing for asu tance the queen ran into the anchoria striking her just forward of the bridge penetrating into alio states room whence three young ladies miraculously escaped no accidents TO to be deplored alt hough the crew of the anchoria became demoralized showing great cowardice lirett sporting CiC iWAn june 14 entries at the chester racing park which begins auy ath and continues days have been chere are two race for each day free for all tae pacing raca for the first day has been withdrawn by ha association but another race will be the en trios are larger and include a of borcea than ever before the famous maud S belonging to vanderbilt is entered in class the frea for bijl plass has in it pro darby and charlo ord in other first cladies are ll annta vol belle brasfield bonesetter dream john mcdougal deck wel ight Bonner Boy Will cody little gypsey lew scott floater and sil the total ia n niete flood the jle aich dam age haa been done on the upper vm barradas and deeon by floods A dam and mill ear and dams at aad a dayn at bettys opre washed away aho darn at gave way and alo before it including boural raa doco he crop tl tuf t ain u ili iiii rio chop li iad arell amt rolt to the now bet tiers all the on boar creek were earned away A ton of frank lyon was drowned while crossing the cheok many families of that bought safety on tooji tho kouacs being filled with water many olal imanta are and leaving for fluber section june 15 the rte arte ident nent the following to jbf forton cal to ba of lle in the dietrict ct of sun Krar cisco eugene L sullivan collector of of tle francisco B Meacham of a bom to ratify an agreement with alie itea otto meara of col ditto II 11 fay af pf oregon to bo ini dian agent at Uni atilla agency l WET 13 tho academy found whittaker nhit taker |