Show AT MACOS ga a lady went to the post office bought a samp asked a loy to stick out hs tongue moistened tho stamp on it and posted lier letter sho would certainly have been arrested in maine for taking her K alo with her TUB recent tornadoes and hurricanes in the east missouri Mii chap gave tho following elpren ive description of the of the tonn A white dog while attempt ing to weather the gale va caught with his mouth open and turned completely inside out cincinnati ettli think could carry rhode inland perhaps ho coald assents the elmira free drw but why boenit he tackle somebody of hi own aie alie aforesaid common wealth should be beneath his magnanimity to carry or handle any othea way the famous french actress and sculptor is a deterrent instance of the fat many jokes have been cracked on account of her ethereal slimness tho best however was made by dumas the celebrated parisian novelist who remarked on seeing a pic sarah and her pet greyhound oh I see a dog watch ing a bone GLAD STONES government for five acari cost england while the five yeara of enfiled a total ture of on great britain alie gladstone government had in the five years net surpluses amounting to an aggregate of allowing for the surpluses of the late government of the tories they have had a five years a net deficit of ly in five yeam the remitted taxes to the amount of while his remitted it only to the tune of ei congressional se tilon terminated yesterday 1191 bills and jant resolutions were introduced in the senate and als and joint resolutions in tho aliouse of representatives senta tives the number introduced during tho first or extra sesa ion and 2576 making a grand total of introduced thas far during congress at the hour adjournment yesterday beside A number of not yet reported from committees there remained about bilk and joint resolutions on the senate cal indar i and about 1400 bilk and joint resolutions on the aliouse calendar some penion and private bills which have been reported with for their pati age GEN ARri i war record in brier reida as follows dec enlisted as colonel dec made brigade corn r for hia gallant services er vices as a jank 1802 attacked an inferior force humphrey marshall and routed it without loss to either side joined before corinth july and august doing hospital duty sept A member of the fitz john porter court martial act and nov banning for Congi esi in ohio jan to nov holding a comfortable position on RoBen cranza staff dec dec enters congress THE of the last number of ahe faish aw shows court scene of tho fable of the dog that sued til sheep for a debt of which the wolf and the fox were to bo judges they without debating long upon the matter or aaning any scruple for want of evidence j the plaintiff who immediately tore the sheep in and divided the spoil with the judges the defendant is labor the plaintiff capital and alie two judged and lupine beadi the democratic and republican larty aftin which labor need expect no justice ag the I V think mourns aas devel beata of and char tat anim only equalled equal led by the i n credible credulity of alie followers of the honey slight ol liand some of the most transcendent nonsense however has recently been evolved by a lady adelma von V fue counted W who haa published is no of tho diaper liblit Li glit more light the follow ing metaphysical pua gMo and animal lafr you must not belleme eliat th brogi they arom wet fold eliav no heur tand soul bod A frog lias of his kind and there h vc burh willi human heart in that of a frog arc flirea among griam and gatins in dew he even marx from heaven with it back quack A there ia eu chanted sn the i afos MX alle irom anite temple of physical love annd top slopping wet cold aminti amna vm bow ill ali m wp in final and m pari alio beader accented it alit would a kobett dale aren ay to brained certainly awis right ilc alfe tb I |