Show we receive the following comman which wo submit to the judgment of our readers EDITOR JUNCTIONS in A late issue af pf your paper noticed an article headed amo in bee culture written by mr william butler now tink thit somo of hu might admit of correction I will endeavor to do so if you will kindly grant mo some space in your columns mr butler says that if the hives lire placed in too close contiguity the lueen lees are bable to kill oa another tha act w th case ia that queens have been fertilized they never afterwards leavo the alei except when issuing with the whole swarm again he states bees have been known to work at night time my experience and information lead me to make the counter statement that bees never go out of ther hives af bialt haa ce hi lul it true that choir hum CAU ba heard all night in slimmer a a tin of the industry with which they work in the erection of tasir cella and the manufacture of their supplies when mr culler says eliat there is one kind of foul brood which he cuts out ho eelia cyst apparently to imply aliat there are several kinds of foul brood while there n but on kind which should bo burned or buried 04 he on bee culture dire ctr furthermore mr butler that alen a hive warin the visor oust been leave and llie old remain behind while the truth it that the old wm amse with the auren and tho young TOM stay behind the old with theo corrections am respectfully yourn II 11 M on ich street id con scantly in receipt of the noh esl and lest periodicals and other publications |