Show A MURDER WILL OUT particulars of a horrible outrage on an old laier the last issue of the auf juf miner gives the following additional information on the dastardly parker murder mentioned by ua before the particulars of the parker murder which was committed near rockville kano county a lew miles northeast of silver iteen in tho etc r part of april will still be fresh in the minds of many of our readers re adera it will lo 10 l o remembered that mary parker an old lady 62 years of age was found in the foothills between and with her throat cut and her person outraged and thai a young man named jarel dalton was arrested on suspicion of being tho perpetrator of alio deed he having been seen with her last after hating brought her the news that her son had returned from nevada athil wa in the mountains near by and dirou of seeing her th evidence at the inquest was deemed strong enough to bold adl ton and he was bound over to await alie action of tho grand jury since which time be has been led in the county jail at shortly after hia arret a miner re porter interviewed him in jail and although he protested strongly that he was innocent admitted that ciri cumi were against him in the interview the accused stated that he had been out on the range the morning of the murder and had there run across sam parker alio desired him to take a message to his mother he being afraid to go into Sp ringdale on account of baring stolen a saddle and gotten into trouble with ft girl before he left dalton stated that he performed the errand and that the old lady immediately set out in quest of her eon passing h ua on the road while he was talking to a compan ion and that was tho last time he ever saw her alive diligent search was immediately instituted for young parker and on the astl of last month ho was found at deseret juab county being then on his way home to Sp ringdale having heard of tho death of hia mother but four days before he denounces the representations made by dalton to the as to hir whereabouts at the time of the murder as being base fabrications and says that at that time ho was herding sheep in nevada on sunday last parker reached toquerville and when the accused waa informed of his arrival he betrayed considerable uneasiness and asked not to be left alone as he was afraid that parker would endeavor to shoot him through the bars fear and a guilty conscience sul obtained the mastery iver him and when the next meal WAS brought he the jailer t brill a sheet ot paper daid tha ie would soon make everything i tit in tho presence of witnesses dallon confessed that he and an accomplice by the name of george jennings had followed the old lady from home had feied her in the foothills and after violating hey person in brdar to conceal crime prie of em haa held her while the other cut her throat they thefil doublet p the body and partially covered it with rubbish where it lay until found by the searchers after making this confession dalton stated that he was tired would like to be ao ceorge the accomplice in crime of dalton has already been captured by sheriff but wo hayo not yet learned the result af pf liia tho reason that dalton gave Jenning is said to be becaro jennings Jenn ingi promised to bring him tobacco to tho jail and failed to fulfill his promise |