Show A GLEAM OP HOPE Ir elands distress i according to a report of agent ot the relict fund on the gen hem air reported under the ath of july from dublin that he lad just returned from a very careful investigation of tho digress on aho western coast of ireland and the islands adjacent during his visit on somo of the islands he nl found that every horse cow or boon sold to obtain food iol even a chicken was to be soon the people were on tho verge of starvation and were suffering to such an cx of the in famine fever had eel in and threatened to destroy th whole there was no medicine in the house no physician was within u dozen miles there was nothing to cat except coarse maal which it was impossible for the sick to take the were in a stupor and perfectly fco peleM and helpless without doubt abany of elivea have been saved by those who sent the generous gibs of food clothing and money from america in one house an old mother and her two children were gick with fever they had no bet except a bundle of straw on the bare the children were so far gone that they coald not touch meal and was nothing else A torn blanket was thrown sometimes over the one sometimes over tho other when sir gave them blankets and palatable food their was opples sivo to witness alie father wept liko achild the mother simply stared as if a sudden miracle hid been wrought comet unes however the enco of the relief committee win ex they sur rounded by a clamoring threatening mob afa iu their onrea ferocity even assailed them with til i tiles menacing language vile epithets and on knoor two occasions forcibly robbed hem of the goods hey had the herau agent earned the distressing fact that in lomo sections of the country the people are naturally turbulent they are uneducated extremely discontented the present condition of political affairs and ichard it as their right to possess whatever they can get by dorco or otherwise ricus in roundstone Jound stone and clifden it WAS almost to got at the true condition of thing on account of tho fierce and unhappy condict between protestants and catholics on the islands of Innis tark turbot and ornery llie inhabitants who are eppedio as their boats and pets had een rendered almoas totally unserviceable vi by the severe etoris of the winter stil a groat deal tf good has been achieved the relief corn arriving ar giving breakfasts break lasts poor children the av crago attendance at the schools in the distressed districts has increased and numberless number lesa most touching tSu ching letters are constantly received from all parts of the country testifying to tse immense Tm mense importance of that pa cf abo work th little ones are reported as having assumed an ent physical phy appearance the wan and palo frices h ave disappeared and rosy grater its and alio old sparkle lf the eyes come back again in many cases the little children afler daily prayers for cheif Tiene the committee lavo also clothed several thousand boys and girls employing not only poor seamstresses in dubin bat also people in distant villages in the manufacture ot lotric lot lic manner wages have been and ah livelihood secured to matre than ope thousand and women otherwise only have had ahe dreadful choice between beggary crime or death for all this tho committee have secured the unbounded graj lude of the poor of dublin and through the priests that from the in the distressed parishes thus notwithstanding the abuses and other egotistical agitators who rather trying to analo out their labor movement than promote the relief of buffering fellow ciuni try people the munificent charity of james bordon bennett and those took aides with him is giving ireland a pew life for it will be unceasingly thankful the last remittance of money haa bapp received by ohp dublin banks and will baat as llev hep worth think until the greatest of tho poverty U over or august tho new york however which has won laurels by its intrepid in wars on sea and on land its minded aej geographical earche ana explorations las added an un fauling l af to its honor by tho noble action it las taken in in largely for tho irish af fireng fir erg which clifta pierced pie gloomy clouds oc their almost hopely ho mi iry with i glean of hope |