Show CAMPAIGN NOTES vj W V to ui U CHICAGO juno ac the journals washington special says A letter has been produced from jere black dated in 1873 in which he completely vindicates general garfield from any wrong B connection with the credit nio bilier matter sir black says barfield Oar field was evidently deceived ly hakea amas and ays i II 11 is gar fields integrity depended upon the question whether lie acted with lii eyes dpn if he had known the truo character of the proposition inada to him he would not have endured it muck less t SUPPORTS calfield CAB FIElD NEW juno 10 the tribunes washington special says gar field called on tho president and secretary sherman to day and alie latter called atthe hotel tonight to night to see garneld thero is a anost perfect understanding between statesmen and the republican candidate for the presidency lie will haya no more earnest and ardent supporter than secretary sherman who i entirely faith gar nelda course in the convention democratic speculation NEW june lg the T washington special say seymours to run leaven the dein ocaola at sea and is without doubt a serious disappointment the same authority says that will not make any reply to the charges brought liua lie has replied years ago thero la baill talk in some quarters hero oc the possibility of tho democrats taking up grant as their candidate abram J has also been aeri bously named recently the times ays it baa direct and positive informal ion that on monday last at a meeting attended by a large dunber of dem crata held in til dens hoube ii telegram was addressed to mr payne of ohio asiye joos if he would accept the second place on tha ticket with tilden the nature of Pay nei coply has not been made public but it sa bel lived to lave been satisfactory THE key topic june 16 biarne will leave washington thursday for a months at oreen brier white sulphur springs virginia his family went north afternoon blaino claino will enter the canvass in maine about the first of august and he has no doubt vba tevor of tho success of the republic ansof that state in the september election benine alno expects to make speeches in ohio later Q the autumn and will uninterruptedly engage jn he campaign untie election day NEW june 10 the following deemi to explain itself UTiCA Juhe spriggs gys BEAK SIBS my namo haa been of in connection with the nomination to be at cincinnati next week and as you are the dele ate from the district in which live ask you in my behalf to aaa I am not a candidate for any nomination to bo made by that body nor could accept anny tuch nonina lion if the convention should see fit to present my name to tio publia I do not suppose thero i the tea rt bah action or that my name will bo presented but deem it proper to send you this hf h f ler to be used if any question como up about my coition poi tion or pur poap I am truly yours etc ETMO CIl WILL accart anno la mayor nr rison recent to borai seymour waa apparently made in hi own interest as tice candidate and renu llod id him the wo w that up WM not f and would under no circuns lances accept ft nomination convinced that ceymour would inapt if nominated and dora not ici laie to ay 60 june evening paper publishes a cincinnati as follows follo wt the syracuse special bays ha deull sd to tha i nomination f tender cl lr L r i |