Show decord alie chicago bews yews by no means a paper expresses its sentiments on the chicago for the presidential candidacy in the following strong and plain language af the nominee for atia only nt cesary 10 know his history to canuso ones chaks to mantle with that it if possible fur any re body of men to namo him for president career in congress covering a period of eighteen yearb presents an unbroken chain of evidence unfitness for the availed vai led position for which he has n named A i member of the corrupt cr ring lie confessed recipient of that stock which was used so liberally for the corruption of congress as long ago a 1873 alio brand of infamy was placed upon hia brow mr garfield subsequently tub to break the force of oakes ames statement respecting him by the claim that he had borrowed money instead of receiving stock but this wac conclusively proven to b fills very after james A garfield void voi d for lie calary grab act lor this hia constituents in republican convention assembled at the aith of march i unanimously asking james A garfield to resign hia seat in the house of representative declaring that by voting for the retroactive salary grab bill he had forfeited the confidence of his constituents apon his own confession he accepted from de collyer A mc callan pavin contractors of chicago garfield was chairman of the committee on appropriation of the house of representatives from which of ho district of columbia received the largest proportion of its means the paving firm desiring contract at an exorbitant price sought to influence the district board of public works who could this board than garfield who controlled alie string with this in mind they paid garfield through his colleague richard parsons lie to plead cause be fora boss shepherds public department on his own confession he prepared no argument was unfitted by education or experience to render a judgment as to woo l ings and hia sole and entire service consisted of an application to boss shepherd to give the contract to de collyer mcclellan which shepherd afterwards swore did entirely because of garfielda Gar fields influence in this job alone the united states treasury was robbed of a vast sum of money aa the direct result of Garfi olds endeavors when later alio investigation into this corrupt performance was in progress in washington garfield devoted his entire time tu fixing witnesses to prevent n disclosure of bis rascality on the alth of june 1874 mr garfield as chairman of the commit appropriation through against the protest of gen benjamain F butler of massachusetts a bill providing that the average of printers in the government printing office should be no higher than in new york philadelphia and baltimore although he openly confessed during the debate that the cost of living in washington waa much higher than in either of tho cities named A to chester arthur it may be said that ho represents all of bad qualities chargeable to conkling and bis new york ring without a single redeeming trait to nominate him upon a platform pledging the republican party to civil service reform while he him elf ha jutt been dismissed from the new york custom house for violation of the civil service rules is so palpably ridiculous as to awaken the jeers and condemnation of every intelligent tell igent ci tien it now only remains to be seen whether these specks upon the white monument which stands for the first citizens of the nation will bo effaced by the popular judgment in november or not we believe it will be difficult for tho democrats insane and idiotic as they are to name so bad a ticket that it cannot this corrupt pair tle lat paragraph contains epithets expressive enough to exculpate the news from any imputation of democratic proclivities the more value is to be attributed to the hiss references TUB july atlantic brings the lut chapters of mr II undiscovered country which is generally conceded to bo the greatest noyel bo has yet written with its descriptions of shaker life and its hio and thoughtful treatment of in the stillwater tragedy mr Aldric ji describes a strike very forcibly and brings his hero and heroine into closer delit relit tion grant whites sec ond arsiclo on tho plot and p irgon agea of king lear will charm all lovers of shakespeare artists and admi itra of original and boblo char actor enjoy dr fourth chapter of of W M hunt lovers of tho featro will liello J brander matthewa article ca A french comic dramatist anna eichburg a capital sho t story browns prom tho posthumous lost papers bof gen U y shepley s given a chapter of incidents of the capture of richmond tho reminiscences of tho van buren administration will interest old readers and both end instruct younger ones several good poems reviews of many recent books and a variety of charming little essays in the contributors tribu tors pub complete an excellent number of th wac |