Show from tuesdays daily june HORRIBLE I HORRIBLE A little boy cot in two on alio C P track yesterday afternoon about four occurred one of those horrible and bloodcurdling blood curdling casualties which though fortunately but of occurrence in locality when always ciman a OR HORROR to choso who or even hear of such a catastrophe alio unfortunate victim who was aged six years was a eon of mr hobt faddies formerly of the C P transfer service but at the present engaged at Co alville from the account given of the affair by several of the boys who were transferring rails from the U P to tho C J train in the vicinity of the accident near first street we learn that everal children came rui icing to bliem and stated that a little boy had been run over and CUT TO by the yard engine tho boys immediately repaired to lie scene and u fearful sight presented itself the body of the poor child was discovered on the rack literally CUT iv i v TWO alio transfer boys gathered up the remains and placing them on a board took them to tho residence of me faddies there are several fe tories in relation to the accident some assert that the ottlo fellow attempted to climb on the step in the rear of the len der the engine bainy in rapid motion and others that ho was simply cro the track and the engine ran over him before he had time to GET olp TUB in conversation an intimate int imato friend of the bereaved family to day the gentleman was inclined to this latter theory as he thought it impossible for a child auyoung as deceased to attempt to climb upon the engine one of the gentlemen who in carrying the remains over to the parents residence asserts however that the decease ds sister staled that the poor child to climb on alie engine probably in imitation of the yard men whom lie had seen perform this feat numbers of times tho mother of the poor child who lives in a small house on one side of tho track was tho first on tho scene of the accident and when she gave one glance at the body of her little one so cruelly mangled abo became perfectly distracted with creef ANU and could not bear to gaze upon the fearful sight of tho mangled infant and it was not until the arrival of tho gentlemen previously named that the body waa remove J no blame can be to the train men who always seem to boon the alert an d though always lant cannot be expected to bo watch i ing every point at ono and the beirne lime the funeral alich took place today to day was largely attended by the friends of tho family previous to the finneral AS INQUEST waa HELP and a verdict rendered in accordance alie adduced following is the verdict of the coro ners jury june 1880 we the aurora eliose are hereunto aigner being to enquire into lio death of samuel six y earn on the of july 1880 son of kobert and elizabeth faddies do testify from the evidence given that the said samuel faddies came to his death by the C P 11 R switch engine running over his body L F moscu W jurors GALE JOSEPH coroner |