Show il bilut ho alio bews yews oi yesterday that on saturday night between eleven and twelve clock another attempt vas made to burglarize the meat of in tha ican tae proprietor who lives for rod aitay heard tho noise mid letta up secured a stout picket ind vert noiselessly in at the bask door ot tho shop A mans lead daspro through the trap just aboto j the front door and as its owner was wiggling himself along he said to a companion ou taide who was en dently assisting him to climb ill have A steak anyhow will you cic claimed bean then take it and gaye the fellow a fearful welt over the head with bis club oh im killed IM killed shrieked the hiebing hi eving as he foil backward lo 10 alie ground outside mr bean went into to get on lib shoes but when ho returned the would be burglars had disappeared |