Show daily june 15 ONE DAYS alia st louia republicans ratified Garfield lat night the american rifle team arrived yesterday at the bew frenchi minister to lon dona ia regarded with disfavor tho rebellion in upper burmah beems to have entirely ceased another cyclone has been creating great damage near petersburg va sveal fishermen haye been re ported drowned on the columbia riv erbar much in liliian liu iian turk etan on account of the chinese menaces jules ferry admiral jauregui berry and carroy general amnesty cul gordon of bombay coes to china to dissuade tho chinesa from war with russia new york was vitiated by a violent tornado yesterday the thermometer falling from 85 to CO denis kearney left chicago today to day for boston via new york accompanied by his brother in Guana tamo cuba two chiefs six officers 84 troops and 44 individuals have surrendered ayoob ahans khans threatened attack on Can dahar has failed because of and want of supplies german immigrants granta have come to the united during the last quarter of tho current year the past three days the heat has been very severe at chicago several cases of sunstroke having occurred col W W dudley U S marshal for indiana has expressed his willingness to run for atie governorship humors that mr hayes congem plates refusing to sign the river and harbor bill are probably unfounded the russian ambassador will this week demand of the porte the execution of the assassin of col coma roff the russian government will hold an elaborate exhibition of photographs next autumn at st burg the steamer haying the egyptian obelisk on board left alexandria yesterday en route for new york secretary sherman is confided con fiden that both garfield Garti eld and GOT fostek were loyal to him at the chicago con bention ven tion next month an effort to settle tho aiu nesty question in ranee by pardoning exiled communists ts senator edmunds declares the nomination of garfield and arthur as excellent a one as could possibly bo made will not bo satisfied with the decapitation of but eral collectors and other officers will havo to go ex senator jamea A bayard of delaware father ot tho present senator died yesterday morning at washington the new prima minister aal the minister of foreign affairs of turkey are creatures of the deposed grand ahier said pasha the census in has been BO nearly completed as to warrant the statement that the city has over inhabitants barid williams while riding with misa mate turner at georgeville Georg eville on sunday was shot by an unknown person and instantly killed commissioner blaum at chicago is to be removed because of this partisan action at the convention in favor of cofan and against herman worth of cuban mortgage bonds bearing per cent in redeemable in 20 years by quarterly drawings are to be issued mr kentucky owns a colt hindmo for which august bel moat of now york offered him which he decline cl to accept as ex governor A brown of mississippi sis sippi aged 67 years was thrown from his horse into a pond xi ar his hom near jackson miss on sunday evening and drowned one of the astora at new york has declined to questions put by alio llio census enumerators as to the ages of female members of his family hh case will bo attended to by law text books leavo hitherto in their of the rivers of iho world as to length and volume placed iho amicon first tho ec ond the bangt so of china thirl and the gangos in dia ho recent explorations of alio llio celebrated traveler henry stanley in africa this arrangement according to his narrative jn aarom prk ark cafin piero is butone river in the world either greater in length or volume than tho kongo the aroa aana foont for that the i entitled lo 10 the firlit the lehigh of the kongo or M stanly calli it freau sa tributa r isi juit long and into latke bemba in latitude U south the koga its varying baroca runs a courso of not less alian miles before ohp atlantia antio in the latitude degrees gouch lie by great the kongo widens to and in many places M much aa yards with a current of two miles ain hour and dpn enough for deep sea mem |