Show we learned lust night but too late lor publication that on last thursday u applied ai the residence of judge Si ulmon third street for work lie was told aliat ho might unit couple of barrels in the ground for the purpose of holding water and was told what his remuneration would bo when the work w ts finished the lady of the house directed him to go to tho residence lr andersen next door west to borrow a beado the fellow went there and opening alic front door went in camo out boon after and took his departure failing to call at the lionso chwa be had been engaged to do the work above referred to on sunday evening mrs anderson on going to a drawer where he kept her gold watch chain and breastpin and a bracelet of the same material discovered to her astonishment that the articles were gone they haying no doubt been abstracted by the above named the which has a frosted case is minus the hands and crystal the chain has atta clied to it the breastpin the latter article being minus tho pin by which it ii attached to clothing the bracelet is about three quarters of an inch wide and ridged on the outside tho suspected individual U of short stature about five feet ghigli smooth face very dark copper color and h quite a fluent alker he wore A dark hat and had on a fruit of dark speckled clothes tho coat being short cut and on liis feet he wore overshoes wo trust that tho thief whoever ho may be will be found and the properly recovered |