Show FOREIGN NOTES by W V to clr blown vp HAVANA june 14 while the spanish warship cuba from capan ola was entering the harbor of santiago do cuba yesterday her boiler exploded killing 20 persons and wounding of which 81 were troops being transported clell imminent LONDON juno 15 it is reported tat ha presidential election in alie argentine confederation on the alth dinst resulted in the choice of gen choso whoso election waa favored by tho national government the impression prevails that his opponent dr tejedor Tej edos governor of the province of buenos ayres will resist the installation of gen koca and possibly declare the secession of buenos Ayres from ohp confederation which woul Head to civil war A TORONTO june 15 harrison a well known engraver of counterfeit U S bank notes has been arrested constantinople june 15 greek pirates continue to ravage the coast of asia minor they have sacked the town of at keil an arab journal el jawali has been suspended for one month and alie for a week 15 all the morning papers severely condemn odon nells attack on Chal lemel lacour in the house of commons odonnell will ask the following questions in th house of commons on thursday next whether the foreign secretary will lay on the table that portion of the evidence adduced before the commission of the national assembly that related to certain in alleged to have been given by Chal lemel lacour with reference to ers whether ho will lay on the table a copy of the judgment of the court at lyons in the case of the christian brothers against Clial lemel lacour and also a copy of the judgment of the court of appeals it di jon confirming the judgment of the court at lyons in that case odonnell will also ask fawcett postmaster general whether he will take any steps to prevent the wholesale circulation cu in england of newspapers containing tho gravest charges against lacour troubled leg juno 15 the turks still hold this fortress and town there ars eix thousand catholics and 1500 intursi under the joint command of bodo bey and the Mari dili prince pasha emphatically denies having encouraged ahn insurrection Pc leil alii departure june 15 the times is informed that the chinese minister in consequence of a delay in there final instructions has postponed for a short time his departure for st petersburg pont aint june 15 thirty avo al banian chief have memorialized the sultan denying any desire for autonomy and affirming that they are only opposed to portion of albania in favor of montenegro john LONDON june 15 the that the english government has informed the united states that the supplies the arctic regions by the expedition anler air george marcs are at the entire of the american expedition tion now in those regions cheated the TORONTO june 15 robt de courcier was to be hanged tomorrow died in hi cell today to day it supposed that lie poisoned him self in order to escape the execution |