Show house farm and garden tha oleomargarine men are just now spending a mint of money in advertising their concoction well they ought to bo able to afford a good round sum as they cell lor butter bricea what cotta them about ten cents a pound according to some estimates if the quarrelsome man wants liis dog and cat to be tho same he gives them raw meat the same holds god with poultry raw meat is not BO easily digested and is not as nutritious as cooked dont feed too much meat but dont fail to give a small quantity from time to time the massachusetts horticultural society secretary robert manning boston boners for prizes at the flower fruit and vegetable exhibition of alio year 50 for essay on any action of fertilizer illustrated by accurate experiments and 25 for an essay on flowers for the home always your flowers with a sharp knife or scissors and early in the morning or at evening keep them well sprinkled if possible add fresh water it in a vaso every day better warm than cold and put in a little salt set the bouquet at night on the floor of a cool room or cellar the man has not lived in vain who plants a good tree in the right place and the sentiment prompted the tree planting organizations at the west and causon a day to be set apart for a united voluntary public in this is akin to that which set afoot our charitable and missionary societies col richard peters of atlanta ga helln alie southern that he prefers A december iamb a later one and born after may ha as soon as chii CAH bo done with safety tho ewes to udder the reason why they are worthless is not very cler but the fact is well established go far as the south is con corned Air slacked limo wll destroy currant worms in ahe spring examine tho bushes often and abero the lower leaves aro perforated there the worms ard to be found if the bunh is ury first sprinkle ditl water nn then irith lime two or oliree apt will ba sufficient for the boason tho lima will neither injure the bush bor the fruit year a front teeth aro eight in number and aro of equal size the second year the two middle teeth are shed and replaced by two much larger than the others lie third year two very small ones appear on ride of the eight at ohp end fit tho fourth year there are eix largo teeth tho gath year all the aront teeth are large the sixth year all agin to choir signs of wear ao biety ia already arranging for a grand fair ad sheep show next september abo success of the last ex WM o great that the society has to offer premiums amounting altogether to about 10 of ahw amount prices of have been set hanla for sheep for horses for for swine 1000 for poultry for dairy products ami the balanco for machinery beeda fruita and other products |