Show police court yesterday morning salt lake a favorite imbiber of intoxicants who sails under ahe high sounding and cognomen of fanny ful which to sound consistent with her bibulous propensities should bo fill her hido was arrested for abut the five hundred und seventy fifth time within the last two years drunk fanny was very full indeed when found by the officers and it waa found to let her take a siesta of few hours is order that she might bo in a proper condition to answer the few peli nent questions to ba asked by his bonor accordingly at seven last evening a trial was had and fanny who demurrers o aae ruenta inada by was given tho of a fourth interest in one ot tho cells of the city cooler in which locality alio will for tho dext eight days if our salt ake jaird like a return of their wayward favorite they can havo her at the expiration of her term by applying to the proper au proving property aud pay ittai for ha ti lorning acore brought up bo foiw iiii honor midd leatoa an of shooting a dog tho of a living on fifth street in tho af pf alio prosecuting tt lorney tha cirse wem remanded remau ded ciul saturday morning at |