Show THE COLLISION more news concerning lie by W V to the BOSTON june 14 the bierau has the following special from stonington conn captain young the officer who was in temporary command of the narragansett on tho night of the disaster during the post few days has spent tho entire time at the scene of the accident lie has said but little about the coalition colli tion and subsequent ions of life except to express the belief that he wa in hi proper course when the accident happened and that when all the facts are known no blame whatever can bo attached to him lie heard the whittle of the stonington at intervals for several minutes before alie collision but could not exactly place her because of her lights being indistinguishable through the heavy and fog lie was proceeding cau very low rate of speed and was making his course expect ins to soon pass the ship off corn field light lie heard the warning of mr cook on the bow watch the moment it was given and with the loss of but a moment he ordered his engines reversed and did everything to avoid catastrophe in regard to the cause of the fire which followed the collision he did not express oven an opinion leaving the inference that he was as much in the dark as other people As touching the behavior of the crew throughout the trying ordeal of saving his passengers he says that no crew could haye d ne more bader the circumstances the passengers on the whole behaved admirably until alie cry of fire was raised and then they became unmanageable through the coolness of his officers and men ayery one of whom stood by their posts many were placed safely on life boats annl rafts who otherwise would have been lost in regard to where the blame of the collision should be cast he would botex press an opinion it appears from conversation with leading navigators of the sound that capt young had been sailing in those waters for the past thirty one years and was considered one of the best on it before ever taking command of a steamer which he has done for many years OME OP THE june 14 capt john 21 gushing of bath me states thai the dock hands and petty officers ol 01 the narragansett lt went off in the first boat disregarding the claims ol 01 women and children he also states that three other boats were manned by strangers and the captain was not seen after he shouted to the stem ancton immediately after the crash aback up alongside bodies at niantic have been partly identified one is E J II orton of attleboro Att leboro mass one woman i supposed to be mr william of JIo boken N J and another mrs J K little the officers claim that signals were made and answered according to regulations LK smith of louisville kyia among the saved some of the rescued have severe wounds herman while in the water received a pocket book from a drowning man with instructions to biye ft to the police authorities should he survive t contains some money and bis will NEW LONDOS conn june 14 of the twelve bodies recovered from the wreck of the narragansett the following have been identified E T II orton lewelly mass william noyes now york A reed east greenwich N Y mrs william stevena boston highlands mrs J little residence n win noyes is a brother to benjamin F ibaven recently imprisoned in new for violating the insurance law of the state alie narragansett wa boarded by the assistant inspector of light boats during sunday morning she lies in seven fathoms of water it is the opinion of marinero mariners ma that the narragansett is broken in iwo BOSTON june 14 robert fulton passenger on the Narra gamett is mining TUC WRECK OF ape NEW june 14 just arrived from the wreck captain scott who has been down ani examined the steamer he thinks it can be raised the bulwarks bulwa aro in a comparatively good condition ho found the body of a child about a year there wag nothing tp ider lafy it the steamer is grounded in tho western extremity of the and but for her grounding abero she have sunk out of violit the master of a wrecking schooner reports that ho inspected the wieck in a diving linnor this morn iiii apart housa was picked up this morning be courses the colliding steamers lay together sounded two successive blead of gnp in reply to dinou of the narragansett tho accident would in all probability abot hava occurred OF l m W tune ll 11 l L intimate of the by the collision aro still widely different homo say thirty soma floriy fand W hie as owing to tle fact that no register of naaem VM copt it lt P ii ib nver will ua known aadu it I juno 14 alfred reed choso whoso body U reported recovered from ibo waa not on tho boat ho i alive and well mra E and child ro ported lot ao baa jainel thompson choso whoso pocketbook book and will brought to this city by a man received it from him while drowning arrived to tl fand claimed hia property aap OK CWT N V juno U dr kittridge of Lan one of the aury ivors of iho narra he stayed on board of while tho anro progressed it got BO hot ho had to jump over board and during that tune lie not a of the boat biear an order given and lifo boat were not lowered until the had made great pro gregg ijo hi ton were picked up by a boat fron rrb |