Show I NOTICE to the probate cenit cunit the county territory of utah ID b dintler of th att dd auril r urged I DJ duac f I order to on of Onard lau so order of talc on and the of d ahe of tic brou cr ou rod of Hect ltd aid isaac lu lnore ajr an order of ebie of certain real acetate ae to M 11 bardt wardt for abe iho etc arid bel lorta it Is berth ordered thal the next ol 01 kin of abe faid limur cited la alie ald petite appear bifora court on tuesday ahe lath daiy of joly aso at leu p a iu at the cobit leom ablo chait it the court IQ the city of Og denCourt of weber U T then and there to conae why an order thorald not bo lor the balo of edich acetate and it further ordered that a copy ol 01 athla order bo published at abrie me before the ald day of bar lae in the semi weekly a printed and published la aid county bebr Ye br ath 1830 y U judge STATES of AMERICA of clab t ft ebert I tin clerk court in and that the foregoing la rail od correct apy tha oriel nl order to chow on for order of sale of K al rotate in tho waiter of the abata abat aad lay band andi tha ol 01 ald court at tny offic at ouan utah abi aty of anne L M Ric nARi clerk by C C UP tty aw |