Show crow ditties boat tongs home rule your wife opinion tho great american dessert PJ C the popular tab leThe altar rail talk is cheap dunles a lawyer doe the talking watch said the second hand ill be around in a minute charles lamb said of one of his critics the more I think of him the le I think of him it la lucky to pick up a horse shoe unless of course it happens to be attached to a mules hind leg young women often keep their lovers by tears yes saya grum wi love like beef i preserved by annc physicians are proverbially ab sent minded and the reason is obvious they are often rapped up in their profession waiter yes sir a this its lean soup sir no matter what it has been alie question is what is it now what is the difference between half a glass of water and ft broken engagement ono is not filled full and the other is not fulfilled she said I am going to the post office john shall inquire for you well yes if you have a mind to but I dont think you will find roe there the latest boom is in alio price of tombstones and unless men wish to play into the hands of a blood suck ing monopoly they should sternly refuse to die can a mans attention b riveted with copper rivets asked the commercial it can if the rivets are sharpened and put where ho will sit upon them do not marry a widower said the old man A ready made family is like a plato of cold potatoes ah ill soon warm them all over and she did rank so fist ry pugilism A gnaw ful animal tho rat what the man saw on bis doorstep a circular saw enough to try alie doctors patients pills Bil has just passed ariy mrs B who had enst read the notice of his deatle in tho newspaper said what a pity john read thia he would be so pleased to seo his name in print said ft railroad president to a conductor A man should keep the confidence of his employers so responded the conductor if I could only keep could make a fortune I tell yer mr johnson fortune knocks at every mand back door once in a lifetime said an old darkey to his neighbor on hearing him complaining of the hard times no fortune knocked at dis chiles back door replied the disconsolate individual mournfully I know dat perhaps he corned round when you want dar said the first but say he knocked an how do yo know jest tell me dat well cause I faint got no back door for him to knock at responded mr johnson with an air of triumph |