Show CAMPAIGN NOTES baw U tel to tES PAID CHICAGO june 15 the chicago biter beant washington special say ako tko first installment of politician left for cincinnati tonight to night tomor to mor row night it is reasonably certain congress will adjourn the following day thero will be a stampede of statesmen the field boomers from appearances are supplied from a large barrel as quite a audber of striker are going to cincinnati in special car and with their ex paid they are very confident and fear but one man seymour senator kernan who went to get the latter definite reply regarding the use ef bis name is expected back in the morning as he made the trip at the solicitation of many democrat who are for seymour if the latter will accept much depends upon the word senator kernan brings THE FIRST BALLO TAt CHICAGO june 15 the chicano inter oceans washington special says the best information is that seymour will most emphatically refuse the ua of his name on account of health your correspondent has carefully compared the estimates and submits the following possible result of the first ballot at cincinnati tilden field bayard thurman 76 habrock 75 hendricks 70 mem son 18 the statement is positively made tonight to night that tilden will not be a candidate NEITHER COMES OCT WITH A STATEMENT enfa june 15 mayor of chicago is here to see horatio seymour he finds that the latter says ho is in no sense a candidate but no man has authority to say he will not accept the nomination NEW YOKE june 15 this evening said be could not be kept busy making denials of statements he would only say he is in the hands of his friends THE TWO delegations NEW YORK june 15 the heralds washington special says of abo coming cincinnati convention both the new york delegations will ba admitted and given a vote each THE WOULD FIGHTS NEW YORK june 15 the world has had strong leaders for several days past urging the unfitness of tilden for the cincinnati nomination italio publishes prominently everything unfavorable to hi candidacy it can glean from other journals throughout the country THE california delegation NEW YOEK june 10 the herald prints an interview with william M gwin at the new york hotel where he and ex governor invin are stopping gwin said the delegates of california though I am not one of them will I know go to the cincinnati convention as a unit to support the nomination of the man whom the cervens tion deems the most suitable we aro steady supporters of the unit rule and we intend to adhere to it all through but our preference is for field and we are supported in that preference by oregon and nevada with very probably colorado also on sunday next we shall have a meeting nt cincinnati and we shall then decide upon what our course shall be my own impression is that we shall be able to say eliat those four states aro FOR FIELD my own conviction ig that ho is a political necessity if we are to win andi I think the democracy never hal a better chance of winning wo unite upon a man who will allay all discordant elements of the parly field answers that requirement he will carry all the southern states unquestionably and several of the western so that I do not see that there is anything to prevent his nomination his chinese decisions occasion some little trouble more perhaps in our own state than any where else JUDGE FIELD WAS COMPELLED to decide in accordance with the treaty if hayea had not vetoed the legislation which was designed to cure thia immigration we should leave had no trouble about it therefore as a party question that will not stand in the way of fields nomination saw mr tilden find had a long talk with him he says that as far as he ie concerned his personal relations with fields brother would not aland in the way with him jf field likely to WHAT TILDEN WANTS is for the Jemo crato party to win and I think he will sink all ambition if necessary for that purpose telden is pretty well convinced ha himself cannot get the nomination if ho did I do not wo coald win with him and I believe he thinks eo JI endricks is out of tha question he baa been running for twelve years and has never run into any than but defeat I dont think he mil be thought of aa to I know that tilden not consent to alie nomination of cither of them hellas never forgiven them for their action in the electoral commission he believes but for them he would have been president bayaras bayards Ba yards secession record is fatal to bis success in the adorth thurman could not carry the hard money states because of his financial heresies her esies neither of these men in other respects eligible is therefore to bo though I of SAM lias already opened eouse at cincin anti and he can command the bilden vote I n ahat state ho is mi anken I do not think the tilden to him there remain field and I think the will iw narrowed down to theao to no doubt would w ei very powe nul candidate but up tot havery hour of balloting le uncertain whether ho will accept or not and that will hava a very groat influence tho delegates wont like o run mhd risk of a declination and therefore ther eforo I think they will vote for a man whom they know will accept that man i field and in my judgment ho i tho only available nun in tho preterit exigency AS TO 16 the shw new york special ays there lias been much about til at cincinnati but lie appeal which will bo to the delegates and which can have only ono author settles ilia question of hix candidacy the appeal has been guarded but a copy iii rn bund and w agnen in full it contains which make luery whether timen wa elected in whether heia not tie jure president now whether jia was bot defrauded out of the by conspiracy whether the hou ohad BO declared whether in thi view a convention cm justly and consistently nominate a nother man whether any other democrat can consistently accept the nomination it goes on must not the democrat io convention vindicate tiddens Til dens and their own righta by nominating him will the demo erotic convention nominate another man than the one who as their platform mut declare wa cheated of the presidency will not the re publican presa justly ridicule the illogical position po of the democratic convention what grand opportunity is presented to tho democrat ef whose names have been published ini connection with the candidacy to unite in a note to the convention withdrawing their names and pre seating that of the man whom the people elected |