Show GENERAL NEWS by W U t th A mm cc york june IS paris special say our alexandria telegraphs as follows maynard in pro noun ang ahe final judgment la the miran case today to day declared that was guilty of der and sentenced him to be hanged at alexandria ex on tho first of next october the defense was mania hoped would reduce the annio o manslaughter motion in arret judgment on the ground a want of jurisdiction of the ministerial court wa refused einang counsel then gave gotico af an appeal to tho circuit court of california in accordance with sections and of the revised statutes which puts the minister to turkey in the as the minister to aliina and japan OB regards the appeal to circuit courton Court of california at act loud ST Locis June 15 last day of the races was q u ite equal to any previous one in attendance and weather but a bagli bigli wind made tho track very dusty the first club burte of for nil ages mile heats was won by be two straight boats time second race for four year olds li miles wen by goldbug bancroft second time not taken but unofficial watches marked third race sweepstakes for all ages for a solid silver plate and 1200 in money one a furlong dead heat between blue lodge and long taw victim third time 1551 last race consolation purse miles was won by gen phillips long time second time bakli sew lorli eri yoc june 15 the census enumeration closed yesterday in new york and the work has been satisfactorily done the enu mera tors report they found more trouble in wealthy sections of the city than in districts inhabited by tho poor the car laziness and indifference of the rich were greater obstacles to obtaining the required ini formation than the ignorance of tenement house population a minute kaw york june 15 the newspaper train was run from jersey city to philadelphia yesterday morning 93 minutes the train made four stops the distance run was 90 miles taking out tho time for stops the average run was over one mile a minute and is the fastest on record june 15 the brick makers strike is ended and the brick yards working with full force the tribunes lead ville special says bevc rv mine except the dincau and carbonate are running with full force the strike if over and everything quiet from present appear ances the camp will produce in a few days as much as ever te of carll service NEW YOKE june 15 tho times washington special tays it is reported that surveyor graham of the port of new york has been asked to resign not for any fault committed but to make way for a more active man A farewell to booth NEW YORK june 15 A farewell breakfast was given edwin booth at delmonico s at noon to iday by his friends who included many of the prominent lights on the bench bar pulpit and stage there were present also a number of well known citizens and among the guests were C W field N brooks A abuck C baldwin A hewitte Hewit tR hatch D G boulicault Boucic ault B B roosevelt S W carlton J R G hassard letters expressing regret were read from murat Il alsted kev M alx C D warner S L M barlow dr J G holland J wm Dvid ole bull guss ripley J L fields J hay CA dan gen W T aberman H H furness B howard T nast wm A hovey J gilbert T hicks J B W M evarts the chairman judge J R brady made the introductory address in which ho paid a high tribute to the drama and profession in general and nihed health prosperity and hap to mr booth mr booth replied thanking them for the great lionor they had conferred on him the other toasts were then responded to aa follows the stage and pulpit by rev R colly er actor by lawrence barratt the press by whitelaw the american theatre by lestar the stage and the bar by A S cullivan the absent friends of edwin booth by wm gvinter old times in california by rev C berwer FEr the home life of edwin booth byj jelt erson the poetry of the tic tora life by E C steadman stise st ise literature by chief justice C P daly the buskin bycy depew june 10 tho een ate confirmed the nominations of dieul col samuel woodsy deputy paymaster general randolph G ebert of oregon argeon ur geon rev D wilson of colorado post chaplain C A of nevada of tho land office at carson city R U fay agent of tho umatilla indians oregon thos chestnut post master at silverton colorado the bill for the relief ben holladay was made special order for the first wednesday in Pe cember next it the june 10 tao president approved the sunday civil appropriation bill aud under its provisions nominated col albert J myer chief signal officer with the rank of brigadier general tho president and cabinet are at th capitol capi lol |