Show NOTICE BK IT KNOWN THAT on ho irth day of amny A I lideo the irrigation company ami ailed with alie select men and ex em erp ii and for weber county Tuini ory ita claici for to n portion of the of riar ft its benr e in ail wilier county to he extent ot and for il ines tic or alii wittering witt fring ol 01 and cor lu irrigation af pf ot ladd situated in north adm arc cidot in said county und a is asked nol cois kivon akal mondy tho list day of june lita at 10 clock am at abo county C chufi llouis in aden city in gaid caun ly been as tin time ani for hearin said claim and ane proof to be adduced thereon ahn and where any and all lenons inay and contal cont fl claim y ofilio said boar ol 01 rat tr june Q L JA clerk of said board |