Show v NEWS y cilwa u commet lah t waa sentenced to boban godon ff o ad for the murder of mrs ly minnie august lias pardoned to life L been gun who arrived here a week from bismarck registered as kin WM found dead near the iown today with a bullet hole in khia head and a iu hia jury returned i verdict the coroners JL bial R ERiTT LEBORO vt june C lt is leht lt ht to borrowa of th fiat air swill revel astounding forger steu aa barg buls aa M n will le n forged caper elit baina mm I birou prominent men in and artt Jr biot tt predent Pred nt waite WM sie aicard from in here t is presed Pro sed to lv DI irked for europe though tin rela of the latent mfr mar croin the tone eliat he ahna ui receiver rece will talc charge A A link tomorrow to morrow isoju juno rented ta enate today to day the luino rity ot llie exodus nimit tee to itrich led to he eunhi eun ri arom oudie rn to tion states alin inin rily as tart alicy found no evidence tending to afie the republican party or biad been inalou buntai ii alln exodus f the bftts rom alic to lie north kiili e to id aetius mid tle minority found that abir pur poa we cliant badio connection ahal then to a exhaustive ravi w of tho avi ltv principal wit nesem by the committee ialy au witnesses as the ai bority say attributed the raue of i exodus to a feeling of insecurity r lito and property t old timur CEW bosk june 16 at the boba bieak fat yesterday key responded to tho toast of in california lie was aler reduced by judye brady ai one of s diesl ri esl san fancisco ran cisco editon tasu booths earliest critic errer oaid the up very tt lie alien ret iivo the connected with booths sooths first appearance at jenny lairs theatre in sin S in seven years ago bad especially the casio which lie to his fathers lapo ind tho aarond ho played to his fathers turning to booth lie ask it booth re raj hardly remember anything to it well I do very well HEi vcr lie then related lie first written by himself for tho vist times and crip and biml kichard and then in hamlet fekel with graphic alie triumph in how parta concealing liis own lUm duality as the callic alio wrote ia first prophecy of booth future se atness ewer related how lie backed by oiher for his high ti aisis sis one of hia opponent a declaring alit it was o insult to the intelligence of ti public ewer s re narka with lively en Ausia iru vt june ac die annu meeting of tho o lidy oriLe ahe nak place liena aday A day general hC Talan arming llila morning alro A milca and mat cent number in all about L reunion is a caca turresa tu cresa la city i profusely decorated mi train iun in all darf calona tn roe wit 1000 fhi address of acl biffle wa delivered by ali BO 01 niel hearts city attorney of to which daniel E sick I pre society of the ly ol 01 ho bekor read frum valt folio fr addressed to gen mcquade of tho fifty army faith and devotion ia innocence porter ay have u a light to my path in the Jle ferring ali of the first capart mart he hearts that it was alike to able urit trial and to tuch mili deaul as joiner jonii barn syka and wadworth alio mined bin firm t and assoni belh bed bogni Log ni minority report tm case aid I hope god io i infinite goodness will vouch safe borter lie justice he deserves m lt a innocent roan he saye it 11 limited during hia first hm bince been asserted to there heu existed on the bof the govern anent a fear that matrol of the arnn of the poto paga ou t of tho liand ot and hence alb ity of demonstrating alie and re tiff SM by sinking ame one jtb it lii eh si rank it WM rany M the victim Us story of the ea lor the reopening of hii case hf and ula declaration of 11 alt blat only IR P but every jonfa r which ren tenc lat dle M the st 1010 inh appeal W lc U kosary KoSa jy and iriv ro 01 ol bluke tl uKe fafa k alumn Mn aso n fasti t t land tit lout fi na liam a i and ii G y tho union fc t t also lh at none oldie on clr r am cf he cf co greg ho cuyk of both bia commend arsi e l ti ced to I t h for personal i wt 11 f i W ty f Ilet ft the modi i ca t 01 in M W nde anu of m 02 ladd t th la 10 lr m lend tf boul r ikuto e arther B vl flail until UK rn A n wa in the ent ireene wyica ind prosecution at tho instigation of him who it the speech is to bo circulated as a doca merit army organizations organisations of which many of you are mem berc lauve been called in violation ol 01 regulations to aid in ita circulation whilo aro ing furnish thealo cantrill cen trill of ono parly with tire speech arranged for were speeches to use in the coming political cum laign II 11 entys in conclusion that sustained by hosts of friends and by a never failing faith that a just and generous people will not permit his wrong to go he will goon to the end obtaining cation from the government which owes it to him or leaving it if god wills ft legacy for his children to do mand june IR alio wind and rain of yesterday and basl night donea vast amount of damage in bariou paria of the state anclin tan county a number of buildings were blown down treed uprooted and stock killed in onu place afave acre orchard was entirely destroyed at colfax lour person are reported killed and other injured and two churches and other buildings blown down the damage to the wheat crop in many i ali mexico SAN riu scisco june 17 A di i patch from tucson amona saya Generi tl Mi has returned to sonora ann m mitch in tucson ath thought that he will go directly the crop june lc alie fal lowing statement showing the condition of cotton and wheat was issued by tha department of agriculture o dav alie cotton returns indicate an i r aw in area planted ot seven per cuttit the condition is better than last fr at the amne time and w 09 vear against 90 last year is favorable eveia where arther too much rain in mississippi and louisiana spring wheat a very slight increase over isit year there is a decline in area sown in tho of wisconsin and colorado of nearly ia per cent in the now england states the area the same in minnesota an increase of per cent in ha the inaree is percent and in california 12 per cent the condition of wheat is remarkably good ind w 94 which is per cent above the of last year pennsylvania ohio indiana and illinois all report above kanew is only 72 on account of protracted routh |