Show NO BETTER THAN THE RE PUBLICANS our readers remember the split that recently occurred union the republicans of this territory that difficulty arose from highhanded high handed attempt of certain gentlemen to grasp the whole power of the party and manage iu representation at tho chicago convention all hy them alre without consulting lie party at large the latter however happened to contain within its it s ranks men of martial adherents of ahe military chieftain of the julioo and thoy were not o easily intimidated or circumvented they pro cited the illegitimate and illegal proceeding of the so called central committee in salt lake city organized themselves regularly and vigorously in bariou of the territory ogden city not re valuing in the rear A reini barly called nd attended territorial convention in sail lake city repudiated the action taken by ali self styled central committee and accomplished complis hed thorough organization electing two delegates to ho chicago convention both bet appeared there claiming tho reals sot apart for the of utah territory tho convention ven tion after acme con tenon adi gilted milted of the territorial convention although being partly for grant on the game grounds as the contesting illinois delegations biad admitted tho emissaries of the central committee could of course take in all the fun but were defeated in their purpose disappointed iu their ambition and had to retire from an empty wild booso chase all this ought to have been a lesson to every democrat the republican party might with some plausibility allow central state rings and machines to run the whole business enst the conkling machine runs new york state and camerons clique pennsylvania democracy however has been established and ought to remain on a wider broader freer foundation than the ivings and sc hemings of a handful of ambitious and unscrupulous wiro bullers pullers and convass stretchers democracy means government by the people ai much asor the people every citi zen be his station low or bumble his raiment broadcloth or sheepskin has the same inherent natural inalienable and eternal rights to hav liis honest influence in the affairs of the state go just as far as its intrinsic value will carry it but judge J B does not appear to be of this idea As mentioned in list SIon dayH itsuo ho had called the territorial central committee of the democratic party to ft in his office on the evening of the ith there appeared eight gentlemen of the democratic persuasion ano of whom simple proxies this half dozen gentlemen took it upon themselves to fill tho committee up to its regulation number of fifteen and to appoint mr A boll delegate to the cinca nati convention As this gentleman i at present his appointment WAB telegraphed to him alii was one part of alie proceed ingia A energetically as we pro toted against the legality of the republican central committees action in usurping the power belonging to mhd whole party just as decidedly we have to denounce the hardihood of the fonclara con clara in judge boughs office the true democratic party of this territory numbers from to citizen i at least if they omitted or refused to take part in the appointment of a delegate to cincinnati chero he might only find alsed doors and deaf cara ouch omit tion did not authorize any small of men to take ho rejis in their lianda and aa suino the power vested and renting in the parly collectively and not in any ona man ot eel of men why did judge rosborough Kos borough wait with his call till after the seventh hour appeals for some mie to iafe a fiall for a territorial om aution where ilia offid af pf the several counties and all alo people could find have iten made early and often la rhems col flimns limns and in other waya it look 05 if the hesitation and delay acro to be explained by a little speculation po he part ortho up of the bui neja eo to have a good excuse to jtb public con full daylight they had good reason it dread in this respect the gentlemen of the conr stil admiration central committee have acted even worm than the dyl who had not bowa of crowding the party of a possibility to enter on effectual protest in time try party of abi pare about tending a genuine ind augborn Jelu gato to cincinnati it would now be too daleas the conclave acea to have timed their conspiracy cont piracy o ifal ai to tpring the trap just bo for abo tt nifty nt still thoro nat ench daeger that ha delegate appointed by the judicial faill hla eapp attl ring any too loudly ai api cpi cinnoti cin nati tharo ix also not much to bo feared of be bold ft f t with which the revolution wy fionch ivet the climax of their wo ro arr to clift of preventing enting to alii cincinnati convention an anti inti plank th plank however wont troit them water A delegate of half adden un authora d politicians mill hardly bo admitted as delegate of A whole ter if he a in and venomous to tha country from which he claytn to be ent the democratic convention may for political buncombe 1111 anti plank in it plat fonn ind alum betray iti it i birinci inasmuch reub licin by noa carfeld and on a civil it wont hurt much yihia ic koplo have theae awl declamations for over a generation and the real damage lias not been very heavyset heavy yet ho we will let mr campbell enjo his triai lie will arv it a aln d ft yih dmn T |