Show personal little fellow who met with his fearful death near alo depot iu and family went cast morning they will take up their ui Co alville fred firant ton or ex U S grant canio in from tho west alila and took tho V P train for the eat are now four females in the city jail the should cor feel happy cotee great relief of the people of the united stales betl louses of congress to alay atuf jle CHARLES esq has had a numerous force on tle ecta these last few daiy diy improving th in gh haymaking way making crooked thing i and irregular ones level to the alie members of zion a musical society spent the lay at caldor farm and li ward choir had a pi in city creek cannou THE richmond libby mining co to ship their off of they have rec elred heavy essays assays they will do so until some parties put up works in the vicinity tin deitrei bews says that y eater day was the last day of tho exhibition of alio llio dream mr dodge the manager aavo a free exhibition to the school children of tha city and for two days the tent waa crowded with tho highly delighted youngsters |